Home » Aurora Funeral Home: Gradicimento

Aurora Funeral Home: Gradicimento

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Di curazon nos kier a gradici tur hende cu a compaña nos den persona y pensamento pa tuma despedida di nos yiu, ruman y sobrina:

Myriam Ingrid Amber Roos

Boso atencion y cariño tabata un inmenso sosten pa nos y a suavisa e momentonan hopi dificil pa nos tur.

Gradicimento ta bai tambe pa e staff y personal di ICU na Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital. Nan dedicacion, pasenshi y compasion tabata un sosten grandi.


From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank everybody who has supported us, either in person or in thoughts, whilst saying farewell to our beloved daughter, sister and niece.

Your care and affection has been of great comfort and support in these very difficult times.

We would also like to thank the doctors and nurses of the ICU at Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital. Their dedication, patience and compassion went above and beyond.

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