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Atrabes di e facebook page “Aruba Airport” por a sigui e  Prome “Aviation Cake Baking Competition”

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ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) cu ayudo di EPI Sector Hospitalidad y Turismo a organisa e prome “Aviation Cake Baking Competition” cu a tuma lugar Diadomingo 13 di Oktober, 2019. 

Un total di 10 team consistiendo di 2 studiante di EPI cada un, a competi y forma parti di un “Aviation Cake Bake-off” pa bira e team ganador di un set di ekipo di cushina completamente nobo. 

E prome parti di e competencia a tuma lugar Diasabra 12 di Oktober ora cu cada team tabatin maximo 2 ora pa asina traha nan bolonan pa e competencia oficial cu a tuma lugar e siguiente dia. Riba e pagina di Facebook di Aeropuerto tur fanatico por a sigui e competencia cu a wordo transmiti en bibo for di 10’or di mainta, te cu e culminación di e competencia cu tabata 8’or di anochi. 

Diadomingo e 10 teamnan a wordo oficialmente introduci y cada un a wordo asigna na nan “station” den e cushina di EPI H&T pa asina start e competencia pa 10’or di mainta. E teamnan a ricibi 5 ora pa corta y forma nan bolo y prepara y crea nan decoracionnan. Pa exactamente 3’or di atardi e tempo pa decora a caba y tur bolo a wordo transporta pa Aeropuerto di Aruba su US Check-in Building unda e competencia principal a tuma lugar. 

Durante e transmision en bibo via e Facebook page “Aruba Airport” cada team tabatin 2 minuut pa presenta nan bolo na e huradonan cu tabata consisti di profesionalnan den e mundo baking y tambe personanan di e industria di aviacion y turismo. Tur hurado a purba e bolonan y tambe duna nan puntuahe pa e creatividad, apariencia general di e bolo, textura y e sabor mes. 

Na final di e competencia, e top 3 teamnan a wordo yama dilanti pa despues anuncia e team ganador. E Bronze Whisk Winner (3er lugar) a bai pa Jahrmael & Requelle de Weever, Team Champions. E Silver Whisk Winner (2do lugar) a bai pa Aneudy Liriano & Garrick Tromp, Team Dushi Gateway y e Gold Whisk Winner (1er lugar) a bai pa Mariel Willems & Michelle Fitz Verploegh, Team Pixies. 

AAA ta felicita tur 20 studiante cu a participa na e prome “Aviation Cake Baking Competition” y kier a duna un palabra di gradicimiento na e team dinamico di EPI Sector Hospitalidad y Turismo y tur e voluntarionan cu a yuda durante e etapa di preparacion y 2 dianan di e competencia pa asina haci e evento exitoso.  


Live from Aruba Airport’s Facebook Page, followers watched the

1st Aviation Cake Baking Competition


ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) in collaboration with EPI Hospitality & Tourism Unit held the 1st Aviation Cake Baking Competition which took place on Sunday, October 13th, 2019. 

A total of 10 teams consisting of 2 EPI students each, competed and were part of an Aviation Cake Bake-Off to become the winner of a brand new baker kit. 

The first part of the competition took place on Saturday, October 12th, 2019 where each team had a maximum of 2 hours to bake their cakes in preparation for the main competition the next day. All Aruba Airport Facebook followers were able to tune in live at 10:00 AM to watch the competition until 8:00PM when the winners were announced. 

On Sunday, the 10 teams were officially introduced and were asked to stand at their assigned stations in EPI H&T’s kitchen where the competition started at exactly 10:00 AM. The teams received 5 hours to cut their cakes and prepare and create all their cake decorations. At exactly 3:00 PM, the time was up and all cakes were transported to Aruba Airport’s US Check-in Building where the main judging event took place.

During the live streaming of the event on Aruba Airport’s Facebook page, each team had 2 minutes to present their cake to the judges who consisted of professionals in the baking industry as well as known persons in the tourism and aviation industry. The judges were able to taste the cakes and score the teams based on their creative ability, overall appearance, texture, taste and flavor.

At the end of the competition, the top 3 teams were called forward to announce the winning team. The Bronze Whisk Winner (3rd place) were Jahrmael White & Requelle de Weever, Team Champions. The Silver Whisk Winner (2nd place) were Aneudy Liriano & Garrick Tromp, Team Dushi Gateway and the Gold Whisk Winner (1st place) were Mariel Willems & Michelle Fitz Verploegh, Team Pixies. 

AAA would like to congratulate all 20 students who participated at the 1st Aviation Cake Baking Competition and would like to thank the dynamic team of EPI Hospitality & Tourism Unit and all volunteers who helped during the preparations and two days of the competition to make this event a successful one. 

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