Home » Surpasando 1 miyon den capacidad di asiento: 2018 tabata un otro anja exitoso pa Aeropuerto di Aruba

Surpasando 1 miyon den capacidad di asiento: 2018 tabata un otro anja exitoso pa Aeropuerto di Aruba

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ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) ta contento pa comparti cu 2018 a resulta den un otro anja exitoso pa loke ta cifranan di Revenue Generating Passenger (RGP) pa pasahero- y buelonan comercial. Cifranan di RGP pa pasaheronan comercial a subi cu 1.7% y e cifranan di RGP pa buelonan comercial a subi cu 8.7% compara cu 2017.

Adicionalmente, Aeropuerto di Aruba a logra un otro milestone den 2018 door di surpasa 1 miyon den capacidad di asiento pa prome biaha den historia. Aeropuerto di Aruba ta un di e aeropuertonan di mas druk den e region di Caribe, cu 29 diferente aerolinea cu ta contribui na e procesamento di mas di 2.5 miyon pasahero pa anja.

Aeropuerto di Aruba a logra sigura aerolineanan nobo y destinacionnan nobo durante e anja cu ta tras di lomba, ademas di frecuencianan adicional for di aerolineanan partner existente.

Merca a conose buelo regular adicional riba diasabra for di New York y Boston door di JetBlue, cu “aircraft yield” mas halto den totalidad y e esfuersonan di branding pa e destinacion a yuda aumenta e fluho di trafico di pasahero. Un highlight di 2018 tabata e anuncio di 2 buelo di American Airlines for di Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport y Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Dallas no solamente ta representa un gateway nobo den e area mid-West, pero tambe coneccionnan mas leu cu e destinacion pa yega den e mercadonan West manera Los Angeles, Las Vegas y San Francisco. Banda di esei, Delta Air Lines y Sun Country a anuncia e introduccion di servicio aereo for di Minneapolis riba diasabra den siman (nobo). Tambe, American Airlines a anjadi un tercer buelo diario pa e temporada di winter pa servicio entre Miami-Aruba banda di e 2 buelonan non stop nobo riba diasabra for di Dallas y Chicago pa Aruba cu a wordo anuncia mas trempan den anja, American Airlines ta expandiendo nan presencia cu un tercer buelo diario for di Miami – Aruba. E aerolinea a anjadi en total 85 buelo pa e temporada di winter pa un total di 13,800 asiento adicional. E ruta lo wordo opera pa un avion tipo B737 – 800. Actualmente American Airlines ta opera 2 buelo diario for di Miami, buelonan diario dobbel (14x) for di Charlotte y 5 buelo semanal for di Philadelphia. Pa e temporada di winter benidero incluyendo tur servicio nobo for di Dallas, Chicago y e tercer frecuencia di Miami; Aeropuerto di Aruba lo tin un total di 42 buelo semanal di American Airlines pa Aruba.

Delta Air Lines, encurasha pa e “load factornan” halto a comberti e servicio temporal riba diasabra di Boston-Aruba pa servicio regular pa henter anja.

“E cifranan ta sigui indica cu e esfuersonan haci pa percura pa e Desaroyo continuo na Aeropuerto di Aruba ta duna fruto. Como ekipo nos por ta hopi orguyoso di sera un otro anja exitoso y ta ansioso pa 2019. Nos ta spera servicionan adicional cu lo beneficia e destinacion y e pasaheronan cu ta en busca di mas opcion pa biaha pa y for di Aruba,” asina AAA su Air Service Development Manager Sra. Jo-Anne Arends a comenta.  


Surpassing the 1 million seat capacity:

2018 was another successful year for Aruba Airport


ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) is excited to share that 2018 resulted in another successful year in terms of Revenue Generating Passenger (RGP) figures for commercial passengers and flights. RGP figures for commercial passengers was up by 1.7% and RGP figures for commercial flights was up by 8.7% compared to 2017.

Additionally, Aruba Airport marked a major milestone in 2018 by surpassing the 1 million seat capacity mark for the first time in history. Aruba Airport is one of the busiest airports in the Caribbean region, with 29 different airlines contributing in processing over 2.5 million passengers per year.

Aruba Airport managed to secure a host of new airlines and destinations over the past year, as well as additional frequencies from existing airline partners.

North America has seen additional Saturday scheduled service from New York and Boston by JetBlue, with higher aircraft yields overall and destination branding efforts continuing to increase the passenger flow traffic. A highlight of 2018 was the announcement of two new American Airlines flights from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Dallas represents not just a new gateway into the mid-West, but also connections beyond this point into Western markets such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco. In addition, Delta Air Lines and Sun Country announced the introduction of air service from Minneapolis on Saturday and mid-week (new). In addition, American Airlines added a 3rd Daily winter Miami-Aruba service in addition to the 2 new non – stop 1x weekly Saturday service from Dallas and Chicago to Aruba announced earlier this year, American Airlines is expanding its presence with a 3rd daily service from Miami – Aruba. The Airline added a total 85 additional flights for the winter season for a total of 13,800 additional seats. The route will be operated by a B737 – 800. Currently American Airlines operates 2 flights per day from Miami, double daily (14x) flights from Charlotte and 5 weekly flights from Philadelphia. For the upcoming winter including all new services from Dallas, Chicago and the 3rd Miami frequency; Aruba Airport will have a total of 42 weekly flights from American Airlines to Aruba.

In addition, Delta Air Lines encouraged by the high load factors converted Saturday weekly seasonal service Boston-Aruba into a scheduled service on a year-round basis.

“The figures continue to indicate that the efforts in place for continuous development at Aruba Airport are paying off. As a team we can be very proud of closing off another successful year and look forward to 2019. We are expecting additional services that will greatly benefit the destination and passengers who are looking for more options to fly to and from Aruba,” said AAA’s Air Service Development Manager Mrs. Jo-Anne Arends.  


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