“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”.
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day and not only for me,
but also to all who have longed for His appearing.
II Timothy 4: 7-8
With extreme sadness we announce the sudden passing of our beloved wife,
mother, daughter, sister, in-laws, niece and dear friend.
Judy Lucina Lee-Richardson
Better known as :Juffrouw Richardson
Teacher From Colegio San Augustin
Sunrise: March 19 1977
Sunset: September 07 2021
Left to mourn:
Husband: Nigel Lee
Daughter: Xienne Lee
Silda Curiel
Fernando Richardson
Eldon Labasti
Edith Labasti
†Sainter Hill
†Bonifacio Curiel
Daniel and Tasha Richardson and family
George Richardson and family
Kezia Richardson
Shalisha Richardson
Sheniqua Richardson
Melissa Labasti and family
Michelin Labasti and family
Sheldon Labasti and family
Emily Lasbasti
Shakienne Coffi
Alisha Richardson
Melany Rodriguez Plaza
Like Niece: Justina Edwards, Thenika Edwards, Lotaya A. Baker
Joshendrick Richardson
Hezekiah Hudson
Like Nephew: Robert Edwards
Vashti Palmer in Jamaica
Horma Bailey and family;
Nicole Palmer and family;
Olivia Palmer and family;
Sally Simpson and family;
Wendy Rumble and family;
Ahavygale Smith and family;
Jession Smith and family
Keneil Bromwell and family;
Oshane Palmer and family;
Jerome Palmer and family
Suzette Curiel and family;
Pamela Breed and family;
Saskia Curiel and family;
Basheba Curiel and family in NL;
Marietje Curiel;
Carmen Webb and family in SXM;
Angel Richardson and family in SXM;
Prudencia Richardson and family in NL;
Sharon Richardson and family in SXM
Julio Curiel and family;
Hugo Curiel and family in SXM;
Dino Curiel and family;
Atilus Curiel and family;
Howard Webb and family;
Hubert Webb and family;
Bryan Webb and family in NL;
Octivio Richardson and family in NL;
Guillermo Richardson and family;
Tirsio Labasti and family
Uncles and Aunts for family Labasti too numerous to mention
Close friends like family: Marushka Andrews, Charmin Angela-Lewis and family, Shennel Brown and family, Miriam Webb and family, Luciano Millard, Jennelly Heiliger, Marco Dupresoy, Shumilia Millard, Biviënka Martha and other close friends too numerous to mention
All beloved friends from the Domino Team
Colleagues and students at the Colegio San Augustin
And all the brothers and sisters from the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
She was related to: Lee, Richardson, Curiel, Labasti, Edwards, Winterdal, Hill, Canhigh, Webb, Breed, Palmer, Simpson, Bromwell, Smith, Bailey, Rumble, Mirak, Principaal, Duinkerk, Hermina, and Baker
If we forgot anyone during these times of grief we apologize
We the family would not accept any condolences at home
Wednesday September 15 2021 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Condolences will be held at the olive three funeral care, Bernardstraat 134 -136
Thursday September 16 2021 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Funeral will take place at the Seventh-Day Adventist church in San Nicolaas Dr Schaepmanstraat 3
Live streaming will be on Facebook, CJ Marketing & Media Aruba page.