Oranjestad, 7 juni, 2021 – Education USA Aruba tin e meta principal pa promove estudio na Merca y lo organisa un webinar titula: “Playing Sports in College” especialmente pa studiantenan cu tin e meta pa sigui nan carera como student-athlete na Estados Unidos. E panel lo consisti di representantenan di NJCAA (National Junior College Athletics Association) cu lo comparti e rekesitonan pa por competi na e nivel aki, ademas lo tin un NJCAA coach cu lo comparti su perspectiva como coach y student-athletes Arubiano nan cu lo papia di nan experiencia nan cu a hasi nan exitoso na nivel di NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) y NCAA (Nacional Collegiate Athletics Association).
Den luna di April a hasi un encuesta pa midi e interes di studiantenan di Aruba cu kier bai studia na Merca. Resultadonan a indica cu 55% di e participantenan a indica cu nan ta practica un of mas deporte y 57% di e studiantenan aki ta interesa den sigui nan carera como student-athlete na Merca.
E prome sesion cu EducationUSA Aruba ta organisa ta titula: “Playing Sports in College” lo tuma lugar dia 9 di juni pa 6:00 pm y no ta solamente pa habitantenan di nos isla, pero ta dirigi na henter e region di Caribe y Latino America. Lo duna tur participante e oportunidad pa contesta preguntanan relaciona cu bira un student-athlete exitoso na final. E necesidad pa duna mas informacion tocante e oportunidadnan cu ta existi pa studia na Merca ta grandi y e team di EducationUSA Aruba tey pa yuda cu esaki.
Ta invita studiantenan, mayornan y coachnan pa registra via e link: bit.ly/PlaySportsInCollege
Pa mas informacion por tuma contacto cu Education USA Aruba via email [email protected] of bishita nos riba facebook @educationUSAAruba of Instagram @edusa_aruba.
Playing Sports in College: A webinar organized by Education USA Aruba
EducationUSA Aruba is proud to announce the regional webinar titled: Playing Sports in College, the first of many regional webinars to be organized by the Aruba team. The session is geared towards students with the aim of pursuing a student-athlete career in the USA. The panel consists of NJCAA (National Junior College Association) representatives, coach and student-athletes from Aruba at the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) and NCAA (National Collegiate Athletics Association) who will share their experiences.
In the month of April a study was conducted to measure the interest and intention of students who wish to pursue a study abroad, especially students interested in studying in the United States. The results of this study revealed that approximately 55% of participants (students) are involved in one or more sports, and approximately 57% of these participants indicated that they are interested in pursuing a career as student-athlete in the USA.
The session will take on June 9th at 6:00 pm and targets not only Aruban residents, but also the entire Caribbean and Latin American region. Registered participants will get the opportunity to ask questions to the panel members. The need for information about opportunities that exist for studying in the USA has been clearly identified and the EducationUSA Aruba team is here to help.
An invitation goes out to all students, parents and coaches to register via the following link: bit.ly/PlaySportsInCollege
For more information about EducationUSA Aruba and the services provided, please send an email to [email protected] or visit the page: www.Facebook.com/EducationUSAAruba.