“As Far off as the Sunrise is from the Sunset, So Far off from us he has put our Transgressions”
Psalm 103:12
With deep sympathy we announce the loss of :
Vivian Bonice Jones
Better known as Miss Bonice, sister Jones, Oma Na & Na
Sunrise: 16 January 1931 Sunset: 18 May 2022
Children: †Glenford Radjouki
Maud Radjouki (Sha)and family SXM
Carmen Radjouki and family NL
Cecilia Radjouki ( Dj silver fox) and family NL
Esmond Jones (Papi Jones) and wife Sharine Jones-Quant & family AUA
Michael Radjouki and family AUA
Like a son: Shawn Dunkly
Like daughters: Shanette Dyke
Shanee Jackson
Brothers: †William Jones
†Theophilus Jones
Franklin and wife Gloria Cornett & family AUA
Ewan Grovell Sint Eustatius
Sister: Cynthia Jones and family AUA
Grandchildren: Giovanni Radjouki and family NL
Shervin Frederick and wife Ineke & family SXM
Veronique Houson and husband Dexter & family SXM
Glenford Radjouki (Glenno or Jouki) AUA
Shardina Blomont and husband Sergio Blomont & family SXM
Charmaine Radjouki and family SXM
Shermaine and wife Noemi Radjouki NL
Chelsea Radjouki NL
Sheldon Frederick NL
Jeremy Jones NL
Aisha Radjouki NL
Levon Jones (Papi Jones Jr) NL
Great-grandchildren too numerous to mention
Great-great-grandchildren too numerous to mention
Nieces and Nephews: William Wilson and family AUA
Joan Roumou and family NL
Antonio Wilson AUA
Edwin Wilson and family AUA
Elton Wilson and family AUA
Glenroy Wilson and family AUA
Judith Wilson and family AUA
†Stephanie Wilson
†Cecil Wilson
Anouska (Boeffy) Cornett and family AUA
Franklin (Junior) Cornett NL and family AUA
Great nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.
Ex daughters in law: Joyce Ferguson AUA
Gladiola Servinus (Jola) AUA
Caretakers: Dion James
Barbara James
Special friends: Ruthsela Pantophlet
Cecilia Dorsett
Teresa and Robert Neuman
Maria Kingsale NL
Juancho and Hyacinth Geerman
Weslyn Rodgers
Rosita Blijden
Theresita Richardson
Leonile Panthophlet
Alfredo and Minerva Muller
Neighbor: Marie Jones
Tico Hernandez and family
Lei Wong
Brothers and sisters of Jehovah Witness
Special thanks to Dr. Boderie, his assistant Betty and the nurses, and Wit Gele Kruis
She was related to: Jones, Radjouki, Cornett, Wilson, Grovell, Simmons, Frederick, Blomont, Houson, Quant, Levenstone, Washington.
Condolence opportunity on Tuesday, 24th May’22 from 7’PM to 9’PM At the Olive Tree.
The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, 25th May ’22 from 2’pm to 4’pm at The Olive Tree Funeral Care in San Nicolaas.
The family would like to apologize to anyone they have forgotten.
We apologize that after the funeral we will NOT be receiving any condolences at home.
Due to the current situation (Covid-19) Mask is obligatory when entering.