The giveth and the Lord taketh away
blessed be the name of the Lord,
Job 1:21
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our sister, mother, friend, cousin:
Fabian Francisca Jermin
Sunrise: April 13th 1956 Sunset 03 Feburary 2021
Left to mourn are her children:
Fabian Le Grand Isastia and family in Aruba
Ferdinant Jermin and family in St Maarten
Alice Jermin Chitick and family in Fr St Martin
Deborah Jermin Donker in St Maarten
Naomie Panthoplet and family in St Maarten, Holland and Aruba
Antonio Jermin and family in Aruba and Holland
Ernest Jermin and family in the USA
Nieces and nephews to numerous to mention Cousins to numerous to mention
She was related to the families; Jermin, Istasia, Chitick, Donker, Richardson, Wilson, Fleming, Duinker, Dunlock, Hassell, and Panthoplet.
The funeral will take place on Wednesday February 10th from 9-11am at Ad Patres funeral home and from there to the burial ground in Sabana Basora
Because of Covid 19 pandemic funeral service will be for the intimate family & Friends.
If by any chance we have forgotten any names please excuse us during our time of bereavement
Ad Patres funeral home extends their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family