Home » Freewinds Volunteer Ministers Visit the International School Prior to Opening to Provide Extra Safety to Students and Staff

Freewinds Volunteer Ministers Visit the International School Prior to Opening to Provide Extra Safety to Students and Staff

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Taking advantage of the International School of Aruba opening later than other schools on the island the Volunteer Ministers from the Freewinds not only carried out sanitization of the entire school but also provided management staff essential information on prevention and how to stay well.    


The Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds are on a crusade to make Aruba the safest place on earth.  The purpose is to make the island a place where people will not hesitate to come visit. Sanitization is an important measure when it comes to making this goal into a reality, although it is but one component of a dual activity where prevention makes the rest of the equation and that includes keeping in all protocols.  


Prevention is the best weapon everyone can use in the fight against Covid-19.  This is why in addition to sanitization the Volunteer Ministers provide educational materials that show how prevention can be best accomplished by everyone.


Another tool made available to help keep everyone safe is a Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklist.  The steps of the checklist are very easy to follow and thorough making sure that no step in cleaning or sanitization is missed, so areas remain safe after sanitization.


Taking part in this presentation at the school were the head master, the business manager and the person in charge of maintenance and cleaning.  They were very thankful that the Freewinds Volunteer Minsters chose their school to help them keep the facility safe. It was requested that the school be provided with all the Stay Well videos for sharing them with students and staff, as they want to do all they can to keep the school safe.  


The Business Manager of the school, Ms. Vanessa van der Veldt, said, “We are really grateful for what the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers have done.  We have been doing everything we can at the school to keep our students and staff safe and this sanitization is helping with our very strict protocols.  We were very happy that we could do this and have scheduled the Freewinds to come back for more sanitization.  They will also provide a seminar on cleaning and sanitization.  We are very happy for these tools.”


To find out how you can prevent illness by using proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques at home or at your place of work visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.


To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


To find out how you can get copies of the Daily Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklist 


CONTACT:     Freewinds Port Captain   [email protected]                                                     Phone/WhatsApp: +1-727-666-0645 




Probechando cu International School of Aruba a habri despues di otro scolnan riba nos isla e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds no solamente a desinfecta henter e scol pero tambe a duna e management staff información esencial riba prevención y con pa keda liber di Covid.


E Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta riba un crusada pa hasi Aruba e isla mas sigur na mundo. E meta t apa hasi di Aruba un lugar cu hendeno ta basila pa bin bishita. Desinfeccion ta un medida hopi importante ora ta trata di realisa e meta aki. Maske e ta un un solo componente di un actividad dual caminda prevención ta e otro componente y esey ta encera manteniendo tur e protocolnan.


Prevencion ta e mihor arma tur hende por usa den e lucha contra Covid-19.


Esaki ta e razón pakiko e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta provee material educativo, banda di e desinfección, pa mustra con ta e mihor manera pa logra prevención pa tur hende.  E material educativo cu e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta presenta na e scolnan ta den forma d videonan di prevención “ Stay Well” E videonan aki ta duna información esencial con pa proteha bo mes y otronan contra malesa , con pa usa bo tapa cara ,con pa  laba bo man,con pa desinfecta lugarnan hopi mishi cu Hydrogen Peroxide of alcohol y hopi mas.  Maestronan ta haya e material aki hopi valioso no solamente pa e alumnonan pero tambe pa e maestronan mes y e mayornan. E información aki tambe por wordo aplica na cas.


Otro herment cu tin pa tur hende keda liber di malesa ta un “ Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklist” E pasonan riba e lista di chequeo aki ta hopi simpel pa sigi y detaya pa sigura cu niun paso den limpiesa y desinfección ta wordo salta, asina e areanan ta keda sigur después di e desinfección. Esnan cu a tuma parti den e presentación aki tawata e cabesante di scol, e business manager y e persona encarga cu mantención y limpiesa di e scol.


Nan tawata hopi contento cu e Ministerio di Boluntario a scohe nan scol p ayuda nan mantene e facilidad sigur.Nan a pidi pa e scol haya tur e videonan di Stay Well pa por comparti nan cu alumnonan y e staf di e scol, pasobra nan kier mantene nan scol sigur.


E business manager di e scol, Sra. Vanessa van der Veldt, a bisa:” Nos ta hopi contento pa loke e Ministerio di Boluntario a hasi. Nos a hasi tur lo posibel na scol pa nos mantene nos alumnonan y nos staff sigur y e desinfección aki t ayuda nos cu e protocolnan estricto cu nos tin. Nos tawata hopi hasi mas desinfección. Tambe nan lo duna un seminario riba limpieza y desinfección. Nos ta hopi contento cu e materialnan.”


Pa haya sa con pa preveni maleza dor di usa tecnicanan adecua di limpieza y desinfección na cas of na bo lugar di trabou bishita  How to Stay Well Prevention and Resource Center online na www.scientology.org/staywell na unda por mira tur e videonan y pamfletanan y por download copia di esakinan gratuitamente. Tur e materialnan aki ta obtenibel na spaño,hulandes, ingles y 18 idioma mas.


Pa haya sa mas di Freewinds  mira: ”Inside Scientology: The Freewinds na The Scientology Network.( www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


Pa haya sa con pa haya copia di “THe Daily CleaningAnd Sanitizing Checklist



Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

Phone/WhatApp: +1-727-66-0645

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