Home » Volunteer Ministers From The Freewinds Moving Forward Against COVIV-19 To Help the Community Stay Well

Volunteer Ministers From The Freewinds Moving Forward Against COVIV-19 To Help the Community Stay Well

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Things are looking up with Sunday’s announcement of the number of active continuing their decline. But the health officials warn the pandemic isn’t over—and what we do every day makes all the difference.


With the number of coronavirus cases declining in the island and local businesses and residents eager to get all restrictions lifted, Volunteer Ministers from the Freewinds urge application of the basic principles of prevention. “This is something everyone can do to help the island get back to normal while keeping themselves and their friends and families well, it is within our power to stop the pandemic by everyone following the protocols completely ” say the volunteers.

Taking this as a sign of progress the Freewinds Volunteers work hand in hand with the Aruba Firemen reaching into each area of the community where many gather daily, starting with schools and churches and moving into gyms, supermarkets, clinics and more. Making sure these areas are sanitized with Decon 7, the strongest sanitizing product available in the market today, and shown videos on prevention protocols.

The owner of the Hardcore Gym, Giovanni Arendsz, expressed his appreciation: “These videos are really well done and I will definitely share this important information.” “Thank you very much Freewinds for thinking of me and for your help! It is very appreciated and you are helping the community so much!” 


To make this prevention information broadly available, the Church of Scientology published three educational booklets: How to Keep Yourself & Others WellHow to Protect Yourself & Others with a Mask & Gloves and How to Prevent the Spread of Illness with Isolation.

Yenifer Zavala was one of the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers who distributed some 97,000 Stay Well booklets in the island of Aruba, handing them out to schools, churches, restaurants and shops for their parishioners, students and customers.

“When it’s a natural catastrophe like a flood, there’s an immediate impact,” says Yenifer. “Now the impact continues to ripple out for who knows how long. As a crew member of the Freewinds, I know anything I do to keep the island safe also keeps our public and crew of the Freewinds safe. Everyone’s actions affect everyone else in this pandemic, so it’s important that people understand exactly what they can do to keep it from spreading, this is why we continue to work diligently to sanitize and get the prevention information out in the community.”

To find out how you can protect yourself and others, how you can keep your home and place of work safe visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.


To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)



Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

(727) 666-0645 phone



Cos ta mustra bon después di e anuncia di e caída continuo den casonan di Covid-19 diadomingo pasa. Pero oficina di salubridad publico ta avisa cu e pandémico no a pasa- y loke nos hasi tur día ta hasi tue e diferencia.


Mirando cu e number di casonan di Covid-19 ta bahando riba nos isla y comerciante y residente di nos isla ta ansioso pa e restriccionan wordo lanta, Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds  ta urgi e aplicación di tur e principionan básico di prevención. Boluntarionan ta bisa cu esaki ta algo cu nos tur por hasi pa pone nos isla bek riba pia normal mientras nan ta mantene nan mes y nan famia saludabel. Ta den nos poder pa stop e pandémico si tur hende sigui e protocolnan estableci.


Tumando esaki como un forma di progreso e Boluntarionan di Freewinds hunto cu e cuerpo di bombero di Aruba ta sigui desinfectando lugarnan caminda hopi hende ta aglomera tur dia manera, misa, scol, supermercado, gym,clínica y mas.

Nan ta percura pa e lugarnan aki wordo desinfecta cu Decon 7, e producto desinfectante mas fuerte riba mercado awendia. Tambe ta mustra nan e videonan riba protocolnan di prevención.


E doño di Hardcore Gym, Giovanni Arendsz, a expresa su apreciación diciendo:” E videonan aki realmente ta masa bon graba y lo mi comparti e información importante aki. Danki Freewinds pa pensa riba nos y pa boso ayudo. Esaki ta wordo hopi aprecia y boso ta yudando e comunidad masha hopi mes.”


Pa por comparti e información aki mas tanto c uta posible E Misa di Sciensologia a publica 3 pamfleta educacional:  How to keep yourself and others Well, How to protect yourself & others with Mask & Gloves y How to prevent the spread of illness with isolation.


Yennifer Zavala ta un di e Boluntario di Freewinds cu a reparti mas di 97.000 pamfleta di Stay Well na Aruba.  Nan a reparti nan na misa, scol,restaurants y tienda pa nan clientenan.


Yenifer ta bisa lo siguiente:“ Ora ta un catástrofe natural manera un inundación, tin un impacto inmediato. Awor e impacto ta sigui manera un onda pa ken sa cuanto tempo. Como miembro di tripulación di Freewinds mi sa cu loke nos hasi pa tene nos isla sigur tambe ta tene e tripulación di Freewinds sigur. Tur hende nan acción ta afecta tur otro den un pandémico, pues ta importante pa hende compronde exactamente kiko nan mester hasi pa preveni e virus di plama. Pesey nos ta sigui traha duro pa desinfecta y comparti e información di prevención den nos comunidad.”


Pa haya sa mas con bo por proteha bo mes y otronan, con bo por mantene bo cas y bo lugar di trabou sigur, visita e “How To Stay Well Resource Center” online na www.scientology.org/staywell. Aki bo ta wak tur e Stay Well videos y pamfletanan y bo por download copia di esakinan gratuitamente. Tur e materialnan aki ta obtenibel na spaño, hulandes, ingles y 18 idioma mas.

Pa sa mas di Freewinds, mira  Inside Scientology: The Freewinds na The Scientology Network. ( www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


The Freewinds Port Captain,

[email protected]

(727) 666-0645


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