Home » Aruba Airport: Routes Exchange Award 2020

Aruba Airport: Routes Exchange Award 2020

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ORANJESTAD – Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix a ricibi recientemente un premio nobo “Route Exchange Award at Routes Americas 2020”, cu ta reconoce nan excelencia den e esfuersonan den marketing digital y e participacion di e aerolineanan a traves di Route Exchange Platform 


 “Nos ta profundamente honra di gana e First Routes Exchange Award 2020 den e forum di  Desaroyo di Ruta pa America!”, ta e palabra di Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends, Aruba Airport Authority N.V. su Air Service Development Manager.


E ekipo Comercial y di Mercadeo (Air Service Development & PR)  ta contento cu e premio aki – y e echo cu e ekipo su trabou duro, dedicacion, inovacion y diversidad di acceso den henter America a ser reconoci pa aerolineanan excepcional asocia y e organisacion di Routes Americas. E exito di e ekipo aki realmente ta e sinergia creativo, e clima di diversidad cultiva den unidad pa por obtene y mantene un bentaha diferencial competitivo. Door di participa y conecta cu e doelgroep di Aeropuerto di Aruba a traves di diferente tipo di plataforma di comunicacion. 


Routes a demostra di ta un adkisicion valioso pa complimenta e strategia di desaroyo di servicio aereo di Aeropuerto di Aruba. E evento a brinda Aeropuerto di Aruba un acceso incomparabel na mas di 20 aerolinea y ‘decision makers’, dunando e ekipo di Aeropuerto di Aruba un plataforma adicional pa mustra tur e casonan den desaroyo di e rutanan.




Aruba Airport 

Routes Exchange Award 2020


Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) proudly announces that Queen Beatrix International Airport was presented with the new Route Exchange Award at Routes Americas 2020 Award night this past February 5, 2020 during the Routes Americas conference held in Indianapolis. This award was presented in recognition of its excellence in digital marketing efforts and airline engagement via the Route Exchange Platform. 


“We are deeply honored to win the first Route Exchange Award 2020 at the Route Development forum for the Americas!”


The Commercial and Marketing Team (Air Service Development and PR) is excited with this Award – and the fact that our hard work, dedication, innovation and diversity of approach across the Americas has been recognized by our outstanding airline partners and Routes Americas organization. Our success has truly been the creative synergetic diverse climate cultivated within the unit to be able to gain and maintain a competitive differential advantage. By engaging and connecting with our target audience through different types of communication platforms. 


“Routes Americas has once again proven to be a valuable asset to complement our air service development strategy. The event delivered our airport unparalleled access to over 20 airlines with important airline decision makers, giving us the additional platform to showcase our route development cases” said AAA’s Air Service Development Manager Mrs. Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends.

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