Un pasahero di e Cruiseship Symphony of the Seas pa un of otro motibo a cay den lama y na momento cu ela keda rescata regresando na e Cruiseship ela fayece.
St. Kitts to St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands: Diaranson den careda di 3’or di marduga, e cruise ship di Royal Caribbean Cruise line, yama “Symphony of the Seas” tabata nabegando for di St. Kitts pa St. Thomas, cual ta nan siguiente stop. Alarma a wordo bati cu un persona lo a cay den lama.
Segun un pasahero di e cruiseship aki, a pone riba su twitter account e informe cu e Cruiseship a stop di nabega y a saca mesora un boto di rescate pa cuminsa busca e persona cu a cay den lama, esaki a sosode entre 3’or cu 5’or di marduga, enberdad e boto a topa cu e persona den lama,pero na momento cu nan tabata bayendo bek direccion di e Cruiseship, e persona a fayece.
E persona cu a cay den lama y despues a fayece ta di nacionalidad Australiano, no ta conoci si ta trata di un miembro di tripulante of un pasahero
E barco a sali diamars 5’or di atardi for di e waf di St. Kitts y lo mester a yega Diaranson 7’or di mainta na e waf di St. Thomas. Symphony of the Seas ta e cruiseship mas grandi di mundo y ta haciendo actualmente un cruise di 7 dia, saliendo for di Miami pa e parti Oriente di Caribe. E Cruiseship tin e capacidad di carga 5500 pasahero.
Esaki ta e statemente cu Royal Caribbean Cruiseline a manda, referente e caso aki
‘We are deeply saddened by the tragic incident that occurred on the Symphony of the Seas en route to Saint Thomas this morning. Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones for their loss, and our care team is providing support and assistance during this difficult time.
Upon the initial report that an Australian adult male had gone overboard, our ship immediately turned, launched a rescue boat, and conducted a full-scale search. We are working closely with authorities and will continue to assist in their investigation.’