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“Nos ta honra cu e presencia y e disponibilidad di ex Promer Minister Mike Eman pa companja nos como e keynote speaker pa nos evento pa sostene e causa pa yega na un Museum Nacional nobo pa Turks & Caicos. Mi a conoce Mike Eman ora nos a accepta e presidencia di asosacion di paisnan LGO di Sr. Mike Eman pa mi persona na Aruba. Su dedicacion y di su antepasadonan na servicio publico ta admirable y excepicional. Un berdadero inspiracion”, cu e palabranan aki Promer Minister di Turks & Caicos, Sharlene Cartwright a presenta ex Promer Minister Mike Eman pa hiba e keynote na e evento “Building for the future to protect the past” na Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands.   

ExPromer Minister Mike Eman a acapara e curason di e sala completo na momento cu e a compara e palabranan di e himno di Turks & Caicos y esunnan di Aruba. Eman a cita: “O we salute this land of ours, Our country we declare, This promise land with its beauties grand, Though small ..it is our own”


Nos ta canta cu e mesun orguoyo Eman a bisa citando tambe e Himno di Aruba: This pride and love for a rock that reflects in the lyrics of the National Anthem of Turks and Caicos Islands we sing with the same pride and love for our country in Aruba:

“you may be small and simple, but yet you are respected, Oh .. dear country, our rock so beloved, our love for you is so strong, that nothing can destroy it”.


ExPromer Minister a expresa cu e similaridad aki ta mustra e amor comparti cu nos tin pa nos islanan: “That is part of our National Anthem. So you can understand how much I can identify with you the people of Turks & Caicos, sharing this unique sense of love for our small, but venerated cradles, in this big world. This love, affection and bond we have with our Islands stem from the heritage we came here tonight to preserve and to be our guidance in managing our present and the bedrock of the principles on which we have to build our future”.


Cu e introduccion aki Eman a gradici pa a worde invita pa duna e keynote speech na e evento importante aki: “It is with this shared sense of love and pride of country and heritage that I thank you for the invitation to be part of this very special moment in preserving the history, culture and heritage of our sister islands Turks & Caicos.

I am honored that you have made me part of this momentous occasion with the invitation to address you tonight.


ExPromer Minister Mike Eman a gradici Prome Minister Cartwright Robinson y e Presidente di Turks & Caicos National Museum Foundation, Seamus Day y e Director Dr. Michael Pateman pa nan invitacion pa e duna e keynote di e anochi. 


ExPromer Minister Mike Eman ta comparti su vision di sustenibilidad y prosperidad comparti pa Aruba na tur e presentacionan cu e ta haci internacionalmente. Esaki recientemente na un lectura na Universidad di Leiden, como keynote speaker tambe na na conferencianan na Bermuda y Belize y awor na Providenciales, Turks & Caicos.

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