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‘Football for Friendship Children’s Social Program’

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Dia 21 di April 2018, durante un Rueda di Prensa, Arubaanse Voetbal Bond a anuncia e delegacion cu lo representa Aruba na e Football for Friendship Children’s Social Program cu ta implementa pa Gazprom cu ta un compania na Russia cu ta wordo sosteni pa gobierno di Russia. E programa aki tin e sosten di FIFA, UEFA, Olympic y Paralympic Committee, diferente federacionan, atletanan famoso y miles di journalista di diferente parti di mundo. Football for Friendship Children’s Social Program tin su metanan, metanan pa desaroyo di futbol di mucha, promove deporte pa nos hobenan, pa hiba un bida saludabel y tambe pa promove tolerancia y respect pa otro cultura, pa un mente habri y amistad alrededor muchanan di diferente paisnan. E 9 key values di e programa ta;

Friendship, Equality, Fairness, Health, Peace, Devotion, Victory, Traditions y Honour.

Pa logra e metanan Gazprom ta organisa diferente iniciativa, ‘National and International Iniciatives’ involucrando muchanan den:

International Children’s Forum;
International Street Football Tournament;
International Day of Football and Friendship
International Children’s Press Center;
Nine values Cup awarding ceremony.

E evento prinicipal ta ‘International Children’s Forum’, unda Gazprom tur aña ta invita masha hopi young football players di diferente paisnan y e Forum aki ta wordo cubri pa lidernan den media y reporteronan hoben cu lo forma parti di un International Children’s Press Center. Y pa esaki Gazprom ta invita Young Journalists di diferente paisnan pa forma parti di e media team di e Children’s Press Center.

E aña aki Arubaanse Voetbal Bond a haya e grato noticia cu Aruba a wordo invita pa forma parti di e programa aki y asina den un corto tempo nos a busca un Young Football Player y un Young Journalist y tambe 2 leader pa acompanjanan, un Coach y un Head of Delegation pa representa Aruba na e Football for Friendship Children’s Social Program cu su eventonan final cu ta e International Children’s Forum y e Football for Friendship World Championship cu ta tuma lugar na Moscow-Russia di 8 di Juni 2018 pa 15 di Juni 2018. AVB a forma e delegacion di Aruba cu ta consisti di Sra. Monique Ras (Hefe di delegacion), Sr. Edgar Erasmus (Coach), hoben Jahmani Eisden (Young Football Player) y hoben Sheqayli Ascencion (Young Journalist).
Den adición tur paisnan participante ta celebra International Day of Football and Friendship ariba e fecha 25 di April como parti di e programa, y Aruba tambe a organisa un evento pa celebra e dia aki, na Aruba nos a organisa un Penalty Shoot-Out cu nos futbolistnan hoben di clubnan miembro di Arubaanse Voetbal Bond. Gazprom a pidi tur pais pa traha un cobertura, un Press Release cu ta insera foto and video shooting y esaki nos ta presenta na Prensa di Aruba tambe. Arubaanse Voetbal Bond hunto cu e mayornan ta den ful preparacion guiando e delegacion, e dos hobenan Jahmani Eisden y Sheqayli Ascencion pa duna un tremendo presentacion na Moscow-Russia.y tambe nos hobenan ta haya media training di Press Advisors di e organisacion di Football for Friendship via conference call. Arubaanse Voetbal Bond ta hopi orguyoso di nos representantenan, nos Young Football Player Jahmani Eisden y nos Young Journalist Sheqayli Ascencion cu ya caba ta hayando complimentnan, comentarionan hopi positivo di parti Gazprom, e organisacion di Football for Friendship.

Adhunto na e Press Release aki, tin varios potret y un video production y e Press Release cu nos a manda Russia di nos evento Penalty Shoot-Out di dia 25 di April en cuadro cu e celebracion International Day of Football and Friendship.

Por sigi tur paso di e organisacion Football for Friendship,nos hobenan representantenan via e Social Media Sites; Facebook, Instagram y Twitter.
Y enespecial via nos reportera pa e evento aki, nos Young Journalist: Sheqayli Ascencion riba su FB page: Sheqayli Ascencion y Instagram: sheqaylilarianne.

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