Home » Training IDEA & COSME “Business Model Canvas” & “Innovative Funding”

Training IDEA & COSME “Business Model Canvas” & “Innovative Funding”

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ORANJESTAD – Iniciativa pa Desaroyo pa Empresa Arubano (IDEA) conhuntamente cu COSME ta bay organisa dos tayer tocante “Business Model Canvas” y “Innovative Funding” riba e siguiente dianan:
• 26 di maart 2018; di 9:00 am pa 1:00 pm lo presenta “Business Model Canvas”
• 27 di maart 2018; di 9:00 am pa 4:00 pm (lo tin lunch break) ta presenta “Innovative Funding”.
E tayernan ta pa tur esnan cu tin un negoshi existente, of pa esnan cu ta den proceso pa habri un negoshi.

Señor Michael Seepersaud, lo ta e moderador pa e dos tayernan menciona. Señor Seepersaud tin un Phd den Economia cu mas di 30 aña di experiencia riba e desaroyo di negoshi micro, chikito y mediano (SMEs). Ademas, sr. Seepersaud ta certifica riba “Entrepreneurship” y tambe riba “Design Thinking for Business Innovation”. Actualmente sr. Seepersaud ta e Lider di Grupo y Experto Principal den e proyecto di COSME cu ta financia door di EU bou di e di 10 EDF.

E curriculum pa e tayer di “Business Model Canvas” riba 26 di maart 2018, ta lo siguiente:
A: Definitional Framework of Business Model Innovation
B: Illustration of the Business Model Canvas
C: The Building Blocks
D: Navigating your environment (video)
E: Proving it (video)
F: Telling your story (video)

Riba 27di maart 2018, lo tin e tayer “Innovative Funding”. E curriculum pa e tayer aki ta lo siguiente:
A: The problem
B: What is Innovative Financing: Cases- Airbnb; Uber
C: 11 ways to finance your Business
D: Incubator/Accelerator
E: Venture Capital
F: Angel Investing: 6 facts about Angels
G: Customer Funded Models
H: Crowdfunding
I: The Changing Landscape

E tayernan ta completamente GRATIS y ta financia door di Union Europeo (EU) bou di e proyecto di COSME. E actividad ta tuma lugar na Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria na Sun Plaza Building situa na L.G. Smith Boulevard no. 160.
Pa atende e tayernan mester inscribi via email: [email protected] of via telefoon: 521-2439/521-2440. Si ta desea pa participa, por registra pa cada uno apart of pa tur dos. Cupo ta limita, nos ta wardabo!

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