Ingenious Business Solutions also known as IBS hosted the first Kyocera Roadshow in Aruba on Thursday morning at Playa Linda Beach Resort. The roadshow brought together several directors and managers of various business in Aruba for a morning of innovation and technology. Senior executives of KYOCERA from their corporate head office also attended this event and shared the latest news and information.
María Puig , Marketing Manager and (insert name) Technology Manager of the Latin America Division of KYOCERA, explained the benefits of Kyocera devices. They presented the company’s solutions, its global presence, the savings in printing costs and the benefits of document management. They also explained the services of Kyocera Document Solutions, as well as the benefits for IT technical support. She also noted that KYOCERA exceeds the industry standard and is considered a leader in the technology sector, as it offers a 3-year guarantee on its products. IBS being an authorized distributor of Kyocera products in Aruba makes this possible.