ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. a organisa exitosamente su Safety and Security Week anual cu a tuma lugar for di 24 di September te cu 28 di September, 2018.
E siman a inicia cu un ceremonia di apertura y un speech di AAA su CEO, Sr. James Fazio cu a elabora ariba e importancia di opera un aeropuerto cu e seguridad necesario y tambe e rol di cada usuario na un aeropuerto. Como keynote speaker, AAA a invita e COO di Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) Sr. Michael Hyman cu a duna un presentacion ariba e topico “Surviving a Hurricane” cu un bista ariba e operacion di SXM durante y despues di horcan Irma y Maria na aña 2017.
Como parti di e di dos dia di Safety and Security Week, a enfoca ariba e topico “Active Shooter” cual a wordo presenta door di Sr. Miguel Figueroa di JetBlue Corporate Security. Sr. Figueroa a elabora ariba e incidente di “active shooter” cu a tuma lugar aña pasa na Fort Lauderdale y locual nan a sinja for di esaki. Adicionalmente, Sr. Jonathan Hoepel y Sr. Jorge Lacle di AAA su Safety and Security Unit, a duna un presentacion tocante e diferente preocupacionnan relaciona cu drones, e diferente consecuencianan di e uso di drones y tambe e esfuersonan cu Aruba ta haciendo pa rebaha e risiconan cu ta bini cu e uso di drones pa cu e seguridad di trafico aereo.
E siman a continua cu un presentacion duna pa Sr. Michiel van Ewijk di BPO kende a comparti diferente punto valioso pa cu prevencion di candela na un aeropuerto y un presentacion di Sr. Julio Aponte di American Airlines cu a papia tocante “Human Factors” den seguridad di aviacion y e importancia di por reconoce e factornan aki durante operacion diario. Atardi, Cuerpo Policial a duna e usuarionan di aeropuerto un training di self-defense cu enfoca ariba e tacticanan basico pa por trata cu usuarionan di aeropuerto cu ta desobedece e reglanan of ta agresivo.
Ariba e di cuater dia, Ibisa su Bus di Salud a brinda tur usuario di aeropuerto e oportunidad pa asina hasi un chequeo gratis di cual e usuarionan a hasi bon uso di dje. E dia a continua cu un presentacion di Sr. Thomas Nuijten cu a papia tocante e proyecto Gateway 2030 y con e trabounan ta canando pa e expansion, Sra. Jeanette Richardson-Baars di Cuerpo Policial cu a enfoca ariba e topico “Human Smuggling and Trafficking” y a duna e usuarionan diferente tips con pa reconoce un “human trafficker” of un victima y kiko por haci den un caso asina, y finalmente Srta. Stephany Kock y Srta. Jelitza Krozendijk di AAA a elabora ariba e rol y responsabilidadnan di AAA su Apron Management Unit. Pa conclui e dia aki, Sr. Lars y Sra. Sheryl Stolk a duna dos Strength Circuit Training sessions pa e usuarionan por a haci ehercicio.
AAA a finaliza e siman di Safety and Security cu un “Safety Talk” tocante “Foreign Object Debris (FOD)” y un “FOD walk” riba Taxiway Golf. AAA ta sumamente contento cu e asistencia di su usuarionan na e diferente presentacionnan y alavez kier a gradici tur cu a contribui di un manera of otro pa prepara y ehecuta un siman informativo y interactivo.
Aruba Airport:
Successful Safety & Security Week 2018
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. held its annual Safety and Security Week from September 24th through September 28th, 2018.
The week initiated with an opening ceremony and a speech given by AAA’s CEO, Mr. James Fazio whom elaborated on the importance of running a safe and secure airport and the crucial role of each and every airport user. As this year’s Safety and Security Week’s keynote speaker, AAA invited Princess Juliana International Airport’s (SXM) COO, Mr. Michael Hyman who delivered a presentation on “Surviving a Hurricane” with a compelling glimpse into SXM’s operations during and post hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
On the second day of the Safety and Security Week, emphasis was placed on the topic of “Active Shooter” presented by Mr. Miguel Figueroa of JetBlue Corporate Security. Mr. Figueroa elaborated on last year’s FLL active shooter incident and on the lessons learned from that incident. Additionally, AAA’s Mr. Jonathan Hoepel and Mr. Jorge Lacle from the Safety and Security Unit, discussed the emerging threat of drones, the possible consequences of non-regulated use of unmanned vehicles for aviation and on the efforts Aruba is making to mitigate the risk of drones for aviation safety.
The week continued with a presentation by Mr. Michiel van Ewijk from BPO whom shared valuable tips on Fire Safety in the airport environment and on ways to prevent fires, and Mr. Julio Aponte from American Airlines who covered the topic of Human Factors in aviation safety, and the importance of recognizing these factors during everyday operations. In the afternoon, Aruba Police Force provided the airport users with self-defense training, aimed at teaching basic techniques to deal with unruly/aggressive Airport Users.
On the fourth day, Ibisa’s Bus di Salud facilitated free health checks to all airport users who made good use of this opportunity. Additionally, Mr. Thomas Nuijten gave a presentation on Gateway 2030 and the status of the Enabling works that are currently ongoing in preparation for the Airport expansion, Mrs. Jeanette Richardson-Baars of Aruba Police Force focused on Human Smuggling and Trafficking where she gave airport users tips on how to spot a possible human trafficker or a victim, and what to do in such a case, and AAA’s Ms. Stephany Kock and Ms. Jelitza Krozendijk elaborated during their presentation on AAA’s Apron Management Unit’s role and responsibilities. To close off the day, Mr. Lars and Mrs. Sheryl Stolk provided airport users with two Strength Circuit Training sessions.
To conclude AAA’s Safety and Security Week, a Safety talk on Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and a FOD walk was held on Taxiway Golf. AAA looks back on a very successful Safety and Security Week with a strong attendance by airport users, and is grateful to all that contributed in one way or another to prepare and execute an informative and interactive week.