Home » Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium ta anuncia fayecimento di David Randolph Scott Quashie

Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium ta anuncia fayecimento di David Randolph Scott Quashie

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I am the resurrection and the Life he that believeth in me, thought he were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever believeth in me shall never die.

                              John 11:25,26


With great sadness we announce the death of our brother, brother in law, uncle, cousin, friend and neighbor:

David Randolph Scott Quashie.

Sunrise: August 7th 1951

Sunset: August 27th 2024


Left to mourn his loss are his:


Claudia Constance – Quashie and family in Holland

Francis Quashie “Sico”

†Suzanne Hellena Quashie

†Jeanette “Linda” Thomson

†Mack Junior Thomson

Merrill Thomon

Hector Bienvinido Thomson and family in Holland

Lee Andrew Thomson and family.

Curtis Allen Thomson and family.

Brenda Thomson and family

Antony Thomson in Holland

Saskia Thomson


Siblings in the U.K.: 

Trina Glynn

Shem Glynn

Beverly Quashie

Emery Quashie


Nieces and Nephews:

Adonis Constance and family

Lorenzo Constance and family

Marco Thomson

Jubitza Guerrier – Thomson and family

Solangia Tromp – Thomson and family

Withney Thomson and family

Uginia Poulina – Thomson and family

Shaday Thomson and family

Richard Thomson and family

Leon Thomson

Andy lee Thomson

Elton Nicastia 

Sisters in laws:

Jackie Thomson – Morris

Yahiara  Lopez

Shirley Macnack


Brother in Law:

†Ronald Constance


His Cousins who are too numerous to mention.


The late David Quashie was related to the following families: Quashie, Thomson, Constance, lispier, Guerrier, Tromp, Steward, Baptiste, Richards, Conliffe, Glynn, Timber, Veenstra, Batson, Hofdom, Lopez, Leonard, Morgan, Ricardo, Morris, Hodge, Spanner, Carty, Milton and Romeo.

The Funeral Service will take place on Saturday, August 31st 2024 from 9:00 Am till 11:00 Am at Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium in San Nicolas. 


Cremation will take place in the presence of close family.

Our sincere apology goes to the family and friends we may have forgotten in our grief.

We apologize that after the funeral service we cannot accept condolences at home.

Staff and Management of Ad Patres Funeral Home & Crematorium extend their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.


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