“I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo, whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times, and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those who grief, to dry before the sun, Of happy memories that leave when life is done.”
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
Emmy Hariette Swaen-Dongen
Cariñosamente yama Poppy
27-08-1941 – 14-01-2024
Oportunidad pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home, diabierna 19 di januari 2024 di 7:00 pa 9:00
Ta invita pa e acto di despedida cu lo tuma lugar diasabra 20 di januari 2024 na Aurora Funeral
Home di 9:00 pa 11:00 am, sigi pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar na Santana catolico na Playa