Home » The Olive Tree Funeral Care & Crematory ta anuncia fayecimento di Reginald E. Illidge

The Olive Tree Funeral Care & Crematory ta anuncia fayecimento di Reginald E. Illidge

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The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Psalm 23

With deep sympathy we announce the death of our beloved Brother, Father, Uncle;
Reginald E. Illidge
Sunrise: January 28, 1949    Sunset: March 08, 2022

Left to mourn:

Rita & Jason Wong – Illidge
Jason, Jonathan, Jermiah Wong
†Anthony Illidge
Toni-Lisa Brown – Illidge
Levan Brown

Brothers & Sisters:
Rosita Illidge & Family
Ricardo & Dawn Illidge & Family
Aida Illidge & Family
Edward & Mileidy Illidge & Family
Leonard & Ine Illidge & Family

Florisia Jagerhoek

Nieces & Nephews too numerous to mention.

Good Friends:
Bob Brooks, Bob T.

Related family:
Illidge, Brown, Nedd, Violenus, Bryson, Romney, Jagerhoek, Woods, Mulrain, Granger.

Please accept our apologies if we accidentally forgot to mention any family member

Funeral will take place on Tuesday March 15, 2022 from 2:00pm-4:00pm at
The Olive Tree Funeral Care & Crematory.

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