Aum Dasharathaaya Vidmahay,
Sita Vallabhaaya Dhimahi,
Tanno Raamah Prachodayaat
May we realise the son of Dasharatha.
Let us mediate on the beloved of Sita and may Lord Ram
guide us on the right path
Sunrise December 4th 1954
Sunset October 19th 2021
The death is announced of Teeka Persaud,
Son of the Late Bikhari and Kowsillia
Husband of Nandani Gobind
Father of Anita Persaud-Rattan, Roy Persaud, Harrychan Persaud
Father-in-law of Sonjeeb Rattan
Brother of Rohit Bikhari, Lekhram Bikhari, Sundat Bikhari and wife Shaheeda, Damantie Bikhari, the late Kaysho Bikhari, Dataleen
Cousins; Sandra, Louti, Savitri, Rajo, Sunalal, Kishore, Leelo, Ileen
Nephews and Nieces; Stevan, Manoj, Remy, Vinood, Neel, Prem, Shaki, Rocky, Merlien Close Family Friends; Ohab, Anoop, Wever
Rest of relatives from Guyana, Suriname, USA, Canada, England, India, The Netherland, Trinidad
Date of condolences: Friday October 22nd 2021 19:00 – 21:00 PM
Date of Funeral: Saturday October 23rd 2021 13:00-16:00 PM (follow by a Hindu ritual)