Home » Aurora Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di VIOLA V. NEDD better known as ‘Vee’

Aurora Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di VIOLA V. NEDD better known as ‘Vee’

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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul
He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake
Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil;
For you are at my side with your rod and your staff
That give me courage. (Psalm 23)

With our deepest sadness we would like to announce the passing away of our beloved daughter & sister:
better known as ‘Vee’

*28-01-1956 – †16-05-2020

Left to mourn:
Her mother : Lillian Nedd-Roland
Her father : †Lionel G. Nedd

Her sisters :
Jacqueline & Steve Marlin-Nedd
Paulette & Mark Stephenson-Nedd

Nieces: Martina & Sierra
Her brother : Franklin Nedd
Nephew: Juan Alberto

Her aunts :
Betty Mata – Nedd & fam. in Venezuela
Jacqueline & Silvio Cijntje – Nedd & fam.
Hermione Nedd in French Guiana
†Georgianna Didder Brown

Her uncles :
†Winston & Anna Nedd & fam.
†Steve Nedd & fam.
†Ivan & Thelma Nedd & fam.
Tyrone ‘Prano’ Brown & fam.

And her cousins too numerous to mention.

Other family:
Nedd, Roland, Marlin, Stephenson, Mata, Cijntje, Rey, Ortega, Mitchell, Brown, Didder, Hillman, Humphrey, Hope, Glen, Ford, London, Barbolina.
: The nurses and Doctors of S.P D.Thank you very much
And neighbors: Duinkerk, Figaroa y Lethan
Acquaintances too numerous to mention.
Thank you to Dr. Wever and his assistant

Please forgive us in our time of sorrow, if we have forgotten to mention any names.

The Funeral Service for the late ‘Vee’ will be on Friday, 22nd of May 2020 at 2:30pm at the Aurora Funeral Home.
Viewing of the body will be from 1:00 p.m to 2:30pm. followed by the service.
The internment will be at the Central Cemetery in Sabana Basora.

We regret that after the funeral there will be no condolences at home.

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