Home » Pray Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Mrs. Violet Irene Cicilia Gibbs

Pray Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Mrs. Violet Irene Cicilia Gibbs

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The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
Psalm 23.

With deep sorrow we announce the passing of our beloved:

Mrs. Violet Irene Cicilia Gibbs
*28-10-1932 – †28-08-2024

Husband: †Blasio Nicolas Cicilia (Chiquito)
Brother in law: Francisco Cicilia (Chico) and fam
Children: Marlene Gibbs (Molly), Usa
Rosita Patricia Simon and fam, Holland
Ricardo Alfonso Gibbs (Carlo), Holland
Roberto Ramon Simon (betto), Holland

Grand children: Cythia Violet Gibbs
Roberto Ramon Simon
Anthony Jelany Simon, Alysettte Bernabela and fam
Great grand children: Djovainsly Bernabela, Holland
Djoraino Bernabela, Holland
Djoraily Bernanbela, Holland
Adam Simon, Holland
Kenzo Simon, Holland
Noor Simon, Holland

Brothers: Alberto (Bimbo) Richardson and fam, Aruba
Ettiene Richardson and fam, St. Maarten
†Clement Bernard Gibbs and fam, St. Maarten

Stepbrother: Lambertus Gibbs and fam, Statia Stepsister: Monica Gibbs and fam, Holland

Nephews and Nieces: Tyron Richardson an fam, Holland
Jomaly Boekhoudt and fam, Holland
Eugene Richardson and fam, Aruba
Ettienne jr Richardson and fam, St.Maarten
Micheilla Richardson and fam, St. Maarten
Collins U. Gibbs, Statia
Roosevelt Gibbs, Statia
Anthony Gibbs St. Maarten
Elvin Gibbs, Statia
Cherry de Ruiter Arrindel, Holland

Great Nephew and Nieces: Steven Arrindell , Statia
Alfred Arrindell and fam, Holland
Roberto Richardson, Statia
Collin R. Gibbs, Statia
Regina Gibbs, Bonaire

Great Great Nieces: Subina Gibbs and fam, Statia
Savanah Gibbs, Statia

Cousins: Ivon Pompier and fam
Orelia Pompier and fam
Olivia Pompier and fam
Jacks Pompier and fam
Candic Pompier and fam
Shirley Pompier and fam
Cloudett Pompier and family

Like family: Brenda Princess Simon
Ann Simon
Johnny Simon
Winston Simon
Malcom and Jullienene and fam
Snoeky and Susanne and fam
Gilbert and Ingrid and fam
Vera and fam
Jerry and fam

Bestfriends: Ana Pathoplet
Teresa Degraf (Sugar)
Iris Dunlock
Victor Whilfield
Celia Dunlock
Vivian Rivers
†Martina Sunnerville
Metlon and fam Arrindell

Was related to: Gibbs, Cicilia, Simon, Richardson, Whitfield, Sommerville, Dunlock, degraf, Boekhoudt, Bernabelle, Arrindell.

Viewing will take place at Pray Funeral Home, San Nicolaas Wednesday 4 th of September 2024 from 7pm to 9pm.

The funeral service will be held on Thursday 5 th of September 2024 from 10am till 12pm at Christ Church Methodest Church, Amalia van Solmsstraat 1, San Nicolaas.
And from there to the cemetery at Sabana Basora.

If we have forgotten to mention anyone, please accept our sincere apology.

We apologize that after the funeral service we cannot accept any condolences at home.



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