Home » AUA Airport ta un joya den Caribe cu merece sigui briya!

AUA Airport ta un joya den Caribe cu merece sigui briya!

Joost Meijs den su discurso di despedida 

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Durante siman pasa a organisa dos evento fantastico den e terminal nobo pa “US Departure” na Aruba (AUA) Airport, cu e prome evento dedica exclusivamente pa empleadonan di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) y di dos evento tabata pa tur stakeholder den aeropuerto y e industria completo di aviacion. Hunto mas di 400 invitado tabatin e oportunidad pa yama ayo na e CEO saliente di AUA Airport, esta Joost Meijs. 


Durante e di dos evento a conta cu presencia di Gobernador di Aruba, e Prome Minister, Minister Danguillaume Oduber, Miembronan di Parlamento, autoridadnan na aeropuerto y tur partner y stakeholders den e industria di aviacion.


Durante ambos evento tabatin varios discurso y a probecha pa haci un presentacion riba desaroyo di e proyecto di Gateway 2030. Invitadonan tur a gosa di e intercambio di regalo, bon cuminda, bon atendencia di e invitadonan y sin lubida un dushi atmosfera. 


“Si, manera priminti, ta tempo awo pa mi ultimo palabranan. Mi ta corda cla e discursonan di bonbini cinco aña pasa, duna door di Prome Minister Wever-Croes, Minister Oduber y di e Presidente di Hunta di Supervision di e tempo ey, Marion Kan, den cual tur tabata basta similar den hisa e presion riba e ekipo di AAA y riba mi pa cumpli cu loke nan ta desea: Ehecuta e proyecto Gateway 2030 di un forma organisa, controla y bon maneha”, asina Joost Meijs a bisa den su discurso di despedida. 


Tabata apropia cu e despedida di Joost Meijs a tuma luga den e terminal nobo, recien entrega, unda pasaheronan cu ta biaha pa Merca lo cuminsa uza dentro di poco, como parti di e Fase 1A di e proyecto Gateway 2030. Na comienso di su trabou como CEO, esaki a bira su tarea di mas importante; implementa e inversion grandi den e terminal di aeropuerto y e parti infrastructural bou di e nomber Gateway 2030. E prome fase, esta e sistema nobo y moderno di maneha maletanan, construccion di un area di check-in nobo pa vuelonan pa Merca awo ta cla y entrega. E fase ey tabata envolvi un inversion di mas cu $140 miyon y ehecuta door di varios compania di construccion local. Construccion di e di dos fase di Gateway 2030, esta e “hold room” y “gate areas” pa por acomoda mas avion riba rampa, ta premira pa cuminsa den e di dos mita di aña 2024.


“Awe, cu celebracion di e entrega di e prome fase di Gateway 2030, e ekipo completo di AAA a demostra cu nan por ehecuta e programa Gateway 2030. Damas y cabayeronan, pa ta modesto, Aruba Airport tin un team fantastico y ta danki na nan bon trabou y nan enorme compromiso hunto cu mi coleganan den gerencia, cu e aeropuerto a bira asina exitoso den implementa e strategia nobo di haci negoshi”, asina Joost Meijs a continua bisando.


Lamentablemente, AUA Airport no ta cla ainda pa anuncia kende lo ocupa e puesto di CEO awo. E proceso ta den bon man di Royal Schiphol Group, e hunta di supervision y Gobierno di Aruba como doño; tur ta convenci cu pronto nan lo scoge e miho candidato pa ocupa e funcion di CEO. 


Na final di su discurso, Joost Meijs a gradici Gobierno di Aruba, e hunta di supervision, e accionista, Royal Schiphol Group y su coleganan pa nan confiansa, yudansa, nan comentarionan critico pero mas cu tur cos, pa nan amistad profesional y pa simplemente ta su colega. “Mi ta convenci cu boso tur lo sigura cu aeropuerto ta sigui riba e bon caminda. Aruba y e aeropuerto ta un joya den Caribe y nan merece di sigui briya. Sigur lo mi haya boso falta hopi”, asina Joost Meijs a conclui. 


Joost Meijs, CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) desde augustus 2019, awo ta bandonando nos isla despues di su termino di cinco aña. Durante su trabou, hunto cu e ekipo di maneho y empleadonan di AAA, a logra varios mehoracionnan den e ultimo añanan. Esakinan no ta inclui solamente e proyecto Gateway 2030, pero tambe e desaroyo di AUA Airport pa bira e aeropuerto mas sostenibel, sigur y bon prepara pa futuro, di henter Sur America y Caribe. Awendia, den forma consistente, AUA Airport ta inverti den su cuater pilarnan strategico: e desaroyo di su empleadonan, e calidad di su servicio y e infrastructura di aeropuerto, innovacionnan y oportunidadnan nobo, sostenibilidad y responsabilidad social. 


Tocante AUA Airport

AUA Airport ta un di e aeropuertonan mas ocupa den region Caribe, cu mas di 25 diferente aerolinea operando na Aruba contribuyendo na casi 3 miyon pasahero pa aña y brindando servicio aereo na 31 pais y 45 destinacion non-stop rond mundo. Di e mercadonan cu AUA Airport ta brinda servicio na dje, 78% ta di Merca y Canada, 14% ta di Latino America, 4% ta di Europa y 4% ta di Caribe Hulandes. AUA Airport ta reconoce cu esaki ta danki na un economia stabiel, clima politico, hospitalidad, populacion diversifica y siguridad general di nos isla. AUA Airport su aspiracion ta pa converti den un di e aeropuertonan mas sostenibel, sigur y prepara pa futuro den e region di Latino America y Caribe, brindando un espacio laboral confiabel, cu instalacionnan moderno y ademas cu un excelente servicio n’e cliente p’asina por refleha e hospitalidad di Aruba, contribuyendo na un futuro prospero pa Aruba. 


Haya sa mas di loke ta pasando na AUA Airport door di bishita www.airportaruba.com y conecta cu AUA Airport riba Twitter.com/Aruba_Airport, Facebook.com/ArubaAirport, Instagram.com/arubaairport


Fecha: 23 di Juni, 2024 


Joost Meijs in his farewell address

AUA Airport is a gem in the Caribbean and deserves to continue to shine!


The past week, two fantastic events were held in the new US Departure terminal at Aruba (AUA) Airport with the first evening being and intimate evening for all Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) staff and the second one for all its stakeholders in the airport and aviation industry. All together over 400 invitees had the opportunity to say farewell to Joost Meijs, the outgoing CEO of AUA Airport. During the second evening, the Governor of Aruba, the Prime Minister, Minister Danguillaume Oduber, Parliament members, airport authorities, and all partners and stakeholders in the aviation industry were in attendance. During both evenings several speeches were given, and a presentation on the project Gateway 2030 was shared. Guests enjoyed the handover of gifts, good food, and good company in an overall delightful atmosphere. 


“Yes, it is time for the promised personal note. I clearly remember the welcome speeches 5 years ago of the Prime Minister Wever- Croes, Minister Oduber and the chairperson of the Board at that time, Marion Kan, which were all completely aligned in putting pressure on the AAA team and on me as the new CEO by being very explicit in what they expected: The execution of  Gateway 2030 in an organized, controlled and well managed way” said Joost Meijs in his farewell speech. 


It was most befitting that the farewell of Joost Meijs was thus held in the now completed Phase 1A US Departure terminal. At the start of his tenure as CEO that was his most important task: successfully implement the planned large-scale investment in the airport terminal and other critical infrastructure under the name Gateway 2030. The first phase, a new baggage handling system and US Departure check-in hall, have now been completed and were delivered as planned. This phase involves an investment of more than USD 140 million and was carried out by a group of Aruban construction companies. Construction of the second phase of Gateway 2030, the hold room and gate areas for additional aircraft stands, is expected to start in the second half of 2024.


“Today with the celebration of the delivery of the first phase of Gateway it has also been made clear that the team knows what they are doing with the execution of our capital program Gateway 2030. Aruba Airport has a fantastic team, and it is thanks to the good work and enormous commitment of all colleagues and my fellow leadership team members that the airport has become so successful in implementing its business strategy”, continued Joost Meijs.


Unfortunately, the next CEO cannot be announced yet. The process of appointing a new CEO is in the good hands of Royal Schiphol Group, the supervisory board and the shareholder whom are all confident that they will be able to present the right candidate for the CEO position soon.


In ending his farewell speech Joost Meijs thanked the Government of Aruba, the Supervisory board, the Shareholder, Royal Schiphol Group and all his colleagues for their trust, input, critical notes and above all professional friendship and for simply being his colleague. “I am confident that you will all make sure the airport remains on track. Aruba and the airport are gems in the Caribbean, and they deserve to continue to shine and glitter! I will surely miss them”, concluded Joost Meijs.


Joost Meijs, CEO of Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) since August 2019, is now leaving the Aruba Airport after the end of his 5-year appointment term. During his tenure, together with the other members of AAA management and all employees of the airport, numerous improvements were made to the airport in recent years. These not only include the Gateway 2030 project but also the further development of AUA Airport into one of the most sustainable, safe, and future-oriented airports in South America and the Caribbean. To this end AUA Airport consistently invests in its four strategic pillars: the development of its employees, the quality of its service and airport infrastructure, innovations and new opportunities, sustainability, and social responsibility.


About AUA Airport 

AUA Airport is one of the busiest airports in the Caribbean region, with more than 25 different airlines operating into Aruba contributing to processing almost 3 million passengers per year and providing air service to 31 cities and 45 non-stop destinations worldwide. AUA Airport’s markets served comprise of 78% from the United States & Canada, 14% from Latin America, 4% from Europe, and 4% from Dutch Caribbean. AUA Airport attributes this to the island’s stable economic and political climate, hospitable and multilingual population, and safe environment. AUA Airport’s aspiration is to become one of the most Sustainable, Safe, and Future Proof airports of the Latin America & Caribbean region, providing a trusted workplace, modern airport facilities and excellent customer service which reflects Aruban hospitality, contributing to a prosperous future for Aruba.


Learn more about what’s happening at AUA Airport by visiting www.airportaruba.com and connect with AUA Airport on Twitter.com/Aruba_Airport, Facebook.com/ArubaAirport, Instagram.com/arubaairport/ and Linkedin.com/ArubaAirport.




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