Home » Asociacion di Specialistanan HOH (ASHA) y di CMC (MSCMC) ta firma acuerdo di intencion pa colaboracion

Asociacion di Specialistanan HOH (ASHA) y di CMC (MSCMC) ta firma acuerdo di intencion pa colaboracion

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Aruba 15 di juni, 2023 – E Asociacion di Spesialista di Aruba (ASHA) y e Asociacion di staf Médiko di Corsou (MSCMC) ta anuncia cu nan a firma un acuerdo di un aña destina pa fomenta miho colaboracion entre e dos hospitalnan. E partnership strategico aki ta busca di brinda servicio di atencion medico di calidad halto riba e islanan di Aruba y Corsou. Ademas, e acuerdo ta describi plannan pa posibel colaboracion cu personal mediconan di e otro hospitalnan ku ta miembro di DCHA (aliansa di hospitalnan di islanan Caribe Hulandes) pa sigui mehora e calidad den region.

E panorama di atencion medico na Aruba y Corsou ta cla pa presencia un transformacion significante na medida cu ASHA y MSCMC uni forsa. Dor di combina experiencia, recurso y conocemento, e dos organisacionnan tin como obhetivo garantisa atencion medico di prome nivel na e comunidad local.

E esfuersonan di colaboracion aki ta implica un fase inicial extensivo di investigacion, cu ta cubri varios aspecto crucial pa un implementacion exitoso di e partnership. E implicacionnan legal, metodonan di trabou, incluyendo protocolnan y procesonan, y tambe e integracion di practicanan medico riba e islanan, ta bai wordu examinda profundamente y den e limitenan di e ambito legal. E investigacion integral lo habri caminda pa un sistema di cuido integral cu ta beneficia pashentnan y profesionalnan medico.

ASHA y MSCMC ta reconoce e importancia di colaboracion mas aya di nan mesun islanan. Nan ta explora activamente e oportunidad pa partner cu e otro hospitalnan di Caribe Hulandes pa promove un elevacion di e standardnan mediko di henter e region. Trahando hunto por probecha di recursonan comparti, y contribui na sigui mehora e servicionan mediconan den e region.

Tanto ASHA como MSCMC ta compromete pa garantisa un proceso di integracion eficiente.
Lo involucra profesionalnan mediconan, partidonan di interes y comunidadnan local pa recompila informacion y aporta na henter e fase di investigacion. E enfoke inclusivo aki tin como obhetivo pa aporta e necesidadnan y preocupacion di tur partido envolve y facilita un transicion pa un sistema di salud mas conekta cu otro. Hunto, nan ta aspira pa crea un esfera cu ta fomenta inovacion, colaboracion y exelencia, locual na final lo trece miho resultado y satisfacion di pashentnan.


Association of Specialist of HOH (ASHA) and Medical Staff of CMC (MSCMC) Sign Intention Agreement for Collaboration in Healthcare

Willemstad, June 12th, 2023 – The Association of Specialists of Aruba (ASHA) and the Medical Staff of Curaçao Medical Center (MSCMC) announced the signing of a one-year intention agreement aimed at fostering closer collaboration between the two hospitals. This strategic partnership seeks to deliver high-quality healthcare services on the islands of Aruba and Curaçao. Additionally, the agreement outlines plans for potential collaborations with medical staff from other hospitals as part of the Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance (DCHA) to enhance the overall quality of care in the region.

The healthcare landscape in Aruba and Curacao is set to witness a significant transformation as ASHA and MSCMC join forces. By combining their expertise, resources, and knowledge, the two organizations aim to ensure the provision of top-notch medical care to the local communities.

The collaborative efforts will entail an extensive research phase, covering various aspects crucial to the successful implementation of the partnership. Legal implications, work methods, including protocols and processes, as well as the integration of medical practices across the islands, will be thoroughly examined within the boundaries of their legal scope. This comprehensive investigation will pave the way for a seamless transition towards a more integrated healthcare system that benefits patients and medical professionals alike.

Furthermore, ASHA and MSCMC recognize the importance of collaboration beyond their individual islands. They are actively exploring opportunities to partner with hospitals from other Dutch Caribbean islands to promote a region-wide elevation of healthcare standards. By working together and leveraging shared resources, these partnerships will contribute to the continuous improvement of medical services in the region.

Both ASHA and MSCMC are committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient integration process. They will closely engage with medical professionals, stakeholders, and local communities to gather insights and input throughout the collaboration research phase. This inclusive approach aims to address the specific needs and concerns of all parties involved, facilitating a harmonious transition towards a more interconnected healthcare system. Together, they aspire to create a healthcare environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and excellence, ultimately resulting in improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.


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