Home » Ad Patres Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Ined Aurdiana Bryson-Morton

Ad Patres Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Ined Aurdiana Bryson-Morton

by Admin
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The Lord is my shepherd; 

I shall not want. 

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters. 

He restores my soul              

Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2


With deep sorrow we announce the passing of our beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother:

Ined Aurdiana Bryson-Morton

Better known as: Miss Bryson

Sunrise: June 02nd,1931 

Sunset: June 08th ,2023


Date and place of the funeral will be announced at a later time.


Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend

their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.


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