Home » One Happy Island Lions Club a celebra su prome 5 aña sirbiendo comunidad di Aruba

One Happy Island Lions Club a celebra su prome 5 aña sirbiendo comunidad di Aruba

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Recientemente One Happy Island Lions Club a celebra su prome 5 aña sirbiendo comunidad di Aruba. Special pa e celebracion aki nos a conta cu bishita di miembronan di clubnan Lions di Zona ABC y tambe di Districto Multiple 35 di Florida y representantenan di Lions Club International.

Delegacion di Bonaire Lions Club a wordo lidera door di Lion President Blanca Flor Nicolas, delegacion di Corsow a wordo lidera door di Lion President David Levy- Maduro. For di Lions Club International nos a haya bishita di Past International Director Lion B.J. Blankenship y esposa Past District Governor Lion Carolyn Blankenship, for di Districto 35N di Florida nos a conta cu bishita di Past International Director Lion Geoffrey Wade y esposa Lion Nancy, Past Council Chair Lion Luis Olarte, Past District Governor Elbio Jimenez y esposa Lion Perla Rita, Past District Governor Lion Jim Campbell y esposa Lion Barbara. Tambe presente tabata nos 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Jane Colona, nos 1st Vice District Governor Lion Ivan Croes y esposa Lion Susy. For di Districto 35L nos a haya bishita di 1st Vice District Governor Lion Tony Esposito. Region Chair Lion Mariela Romero, Zone Chairman Lion Andy Curiel, LCIF District Coordinator Lion Junior Arends, GMT Coordinator ABC Lion Alexis Daou & Leo Advisor ABC Lion David Levy- Maduro. Pa Aruba Lions Club, celebrando 75 aña, nos a haya bishita di Lion President Rubin Ponson miembronan di Aruba Lions Club. Di nos mesun club Past District Governor Lion Doris Lacle- Eugenio y esposo Lion Jaime Lacle. Di Koningin Wilhelmina Kankerfonds Sra Lilly Prince & Ivy Swaen.Last but not least nos Leo President Ronan van Putten y tur miembronan di Delta Aruba Leo Club.

Masha Pabien na tur miembronan di Aruba One Happy Island celebrando 5 aña sirbiendo comunidad di Aruba. Durante e anochi festivo aki nos President Lion Eugene Dubero a ricibi diferente regalo y reconocimento pa nos club for di nos bishitante nan di afo.

Tambe Lion Andy Curiel, Lion Carla Martinus y Lion Junior Arends a ricibi for di International President Lion Bryan Sheehan un Presidential Certificate of Appreciation cu a wordo entrega door di PID Lion Geoffrey Wade.

Un danki na tur esnan cu durante e ultimo 5 aña nan a kere den nos club y a duna tur nan sosten. Nos ta cla pa sigui yuda nos comunidad pa hopi aña mas.

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