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Apoderando mucha pa hasi un bon escohencia

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Den e mundo di awendia traficación di droga ta noticia tur siman, inflación y aumento di prijs ta afectando famianan mas cu nunca y den e mesun rosea no tin aumento di salario pa combati e demanda grandi den nos comunidad. Kiko nos por hasi pa nos hobenan tin speransa den nan futuro? Con por logra cu un mucha por hasi un bon escohencia den e mundo turbulento cu nos ta biba aden?


Pa contesta e preguntanan aki YMCA y The Freewinds  a traha hunto pa entrega e programa” E Caminda pa Felicidad” na e muchanan di 8 pa 14 den nan programa di YMCA.

Durante e entrega tur mucha a recibí nan propio copia di e buki “E Caminda pa Felicidad” na Papiamento. E Caminda pa Felicidad ta un buki no religioso basa riba código moral y basa riba sentido común, scirbi pa L. Ron Hubbard. E ta yena e vacuum moral den un sociedad mas materialista tur dia. E ta contene 21 principio básico cu ta guía un persona na un mihor calidad di bida pa nan mes, nan famia y esnan rond di dje. 




E  muchanan tawata asina eksita cu bo por a sintie den e local. Una bes cu nan a cuminsa lesa e buki nan a mustra hopi interés y inmediatamente nan a cuminsa lansa preguntanan al caso na e representante di Freewinds, cu a duna e seminario. Na final di e prome seminario e muchanan a keda hopi eksita  pa sa precies na unda y ki ora e siguiente les lo ta.


       YMCA Children reading The Way to Happiness Booklet


Freewinds ta un barco cu su meta ta pa crea un mihor mundo. Ora e pandemia a dal den 2020 Freewinds tawata na Aruba. Su Ministerio di Boluntario a saca man pa yuda henter nos isla cu desinfección y educación. Nan motto tawata ”Hasi di Aruba e lugar mas sigur na mundo.”


Awendia Freewinds ta sigui yuda Aruba hunto cu NGO’s, manera YMCA, cu nan programanan humanitario pa yuda nos sociedad atrobe dor di comparti e meta di yuda nos comunidad lanta atrobe. YMCA y Freewinds sa cu educando nos hobenan cu “ E Caminda pa Felicidad”,ta e mihor manera  pa yuda nan  hasi  e mihor escohencia  den nan bida. E acción riba su mes lo influencia e bida di esnan cu nan ta biba cune.






Sra. Mariana Kelly-Paula, directora di YMCA Aruba a bisa lo siguiente: ”YMCA Aruba ta masha gradecido pa e ayudo cu nos a ricibi di Freewinds den e ultimo añanan. Freewinds no a yuda nos solamente durante e pandemia di Covid dor di desinfecta tur dos di nos centro, pero tambe nan a mustra nan caridad dor di organiza actividadnan special pa e participante di nos programa después di scol. Un di erecuerdo mas grato ta ora Santa a yega y duna tur participante un regalo di Pasco. Nos ta gradici Freewinds pa tur cos and nos ta contento pa e actividadnan di e capitulo nobo den nos alianza.”

Pa cualquier información di e programa di “ E Caminda pa Felicidad” por favor yamao f scirbi na [email protected]  of bai na nos website www.thewaytohappiness.org





In a world where drug trafficking is weekly news, where inflation and price increase are affecting families at a higher rate than any previous decades and all the while wage increases are questionable and not meeting the demand. What can one do to instill hope in our children? How can one make sure that the child can make the right choice for their own future in world with such uncertainties? 


In answer to this question the YMCA and Freewinds partnered to deliver The Way to Happiness Program to kids from ages 8 to 14 at the YMCA. During the delivery of the program the children received their own copy of The Way to Happiness booklet in Papiamento. The Way to Happiness is a non-religious moral code based wholly on common sense, written by L. Ron Hubbard. It fills the moral vacuum in an increasingly materialistic society, containing 21 basic principles that guide one to a better quality of life for themselves, their family and those around them. 


Freewinds Representative with the YMCA kids attending the program.


The kids’ excitement was such that it could be felt throughout the room.  Once they started to read the booklets they showed great interest and were immediately firing out sensible questions at the Freewinds Representative who delivered the seminar.  At the end of their first seminar the excitement continued with the children looking forward to their next lesson by making sure they knew exactly when it would take place. 




       YMCA Children reading The Way to Happiness Booklet


The Freewinds is a ship powered by the purpose to help create a better world. When the pandemic struck in 2020, the Freewinds was in Aruba. Her volunteer ministers geared up to assist Aruba throughout the island with education and sanitization. Their motto was “To make Aruba the safest place on Earth.”




The Freewinds and YMCA Representatives displaying The Way to Happiness Booklets.


Mrs Mariana Kelly-Paula, Director of YMCA of Aruba, stated: “YMCA Aruba is very grateful for all the support we’ve received from the Freewinds during the last couple of years. Not only did the Freewinds help us during the Covid pandemic by disinfecting both of our centers, but they were also very kindhearted in organizing special activities for our After School Participants. One of the fondest memories was a Santa coming over to give each participant a Christmas gift. We thank the Freewinds for everything and we are looking forward to this new chapter in our partnership!”

For any information about The Way to Happiness programs please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] or go to website www.thewaytohappiness.org.  


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