Home » Aurora/Royal/ Pray Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Ashendel Nicosy Harold Andrea  better known as “ Shen, Pa, Ada”

Aurora/Royal/ Pray Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Ashendel Nicosy Harold Andrea  better known as “ Shen, Pa, Ada”

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Psalms 23

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want 

With deep sadness we announce the sudden passing of our beloved son, brother, grandson, cousin, nephew, friend and student: 

Ashendel Nicosy Harold Andrea 
better known as “ Shen, Pa, Ada”
Sunrise: 23 December 2004           
Sunset: 29 July 2022 


Left to mourn:

Mother: Assanti Milton

Father: Ashley “ Papito” Andrea

Brother: Aarjheè Andrea 

Grandmother: Shirley Milton 

                       † Anna Andrea 

Grandfather: Franklin Maria

                       † Harold Andrea 

Godfather: Mike Edwards 

Godmother: Lizenne Andrea 

Aunts: Saphirah Bryson

Lizenne Andrea 

Uncles: Dy-Angelo Andrea 

              Jermaine Milton and family 

Great Aunts and Uncles: Maurlyn Arrindel + fam, Marvin Milton + fam, Jullian Milton + Joyce, Ignacio Milton + Marije, Roxanna Milton + fam, Gregorio Milton + fam, Geraldo and Valeska Milton + fam, Ingrid and Roy Floranus, Sherynne Jansen, Maika v/d Berg.

Great aunts, Uncles, and cousins: In Holland, Curacao, Aruba and SXM.

Drum teacher and mentor: Meneer Marciano Godett and Olga 

Cousins: Dy – Angelis and Zoë, Merry, Sherwin, Liandro, Lizandro + family, Ilysha, Richanne, Andrea, Li-Angelo, Ozias, Xianedy, D’Maurio, Josiah, Quentan, Quillan, Ato, Imani, Kenneth, Keasy, Kelsey, Kinda, Damani, Layan, Janelle + family, Alvin + family, Shandrikka + family, Shandra + family, Tibisay + fam, Farley + fam. 

Close extended Family, like an aunt + uncle: Debbie Alexander, Charisse Artsen, Giselle Artsen, Chantal Artsen, Otami Thomasia, Monét Jones, Jacky Roner, Wendell Simon, Jacqueline Artsen, Heyly Regales, Sheila Vrolijk.

Very close friends/ Fam: Tirzah, Jahmario, Omayron + Christiaan, Rudolf, Vashty, Akiel,Thelion, Christiaan, Sabrina, Alana, Ileah, Ismerai, Tamisue, Jasmea, Shekania, Shamara, Kayla, Daniel, Emiron, Nikliana, Shalini, Lisa, Wendell, Chrixienne, Jhandiro, Nayah, Makir, Ezekiel, Nzinga, Tyree, Maeline, Abigael, Mikala, Jurendel, Sue- Caly, Emely, Jayden Roner.

Related to: Milton, Andrea, Jansen, Floranus, Bryson, Lucas.

Friends: too numerous to mention           

The school he attended: Scol Basico Xander Bogaerts and Colegio Nigel Mathew 


If at this time we have forgotten to mention anyone, please know it was not intentional 

We would like to thank family and friends who supported us during our difficult time.  


Date of Condolences: Tuesday the 9th of August 2022 from 7 to 9  pm at Pray funeral home San- Nicolas 

Date of the funeral:  Wednesday 10th of August 2022. The body of Ashendel Andrea will be laid out at Santa Theresita Church San- Nicolas from 2 – 4 p.m.

Dress code: The day of the funeral, please wear colorful clothes. His favorite color was blue. 

The family wishes to mourn in peace after the funeral and request no visitors following the burial. Thank you understanding.  Jahlove

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