Home » Cuadrando perfectamente cu AUA Airport su plan strategico pa bira  un aeropuerto mas sostenibel: Frontier Airlines lo cuminsa bula pa Aruba na November 2021

Cuadrando perfectamente cu AUA Airport su plan strategico pa bira  un aeropuerto mas sostenibel: Frontier Airlines lo cuminsa bula pa Aruba na November 2021

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ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), e compania cu ta maneha y opera Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport), ta orguyoso pa anuncia cu Frontier Airlines lo cuminsa opera pa Aruba na November 2021.

Pa Frontier Airlines, mesos cu pa AUA Airport, berde no ta djis e color di nan logo. E ta un recordatorio diario di nan mision y meta pa ta America su aerolínea mas berde/sostenibel. E idealnan aki ta cuadra perfectamente cu AUA Airport su plan strategico pa bira e aeropuerto mas sostenible den e region.

E aerolinea cu su headquarter ta situa na Denver, Colorado, ta opera mas cu 100 avion di e famia di avionnan A320 y tin e flota mas grandi di avión A320neo den Merca, sirbiendo aproximadamente 12 destinacion na Merca, Caribe, Mexico y Centro America. E plan inicial ta pa cuminsa na November 2021 cu un buelo semanal for di Miami International Airport (MIA). 

Cu  mas di 140 avion Airbus nobo den bestelling, Frontier Airlines lo sigui crese y desaroya su mes riba su mision pa brinda opcionnan di biahe mas economico y berde, conectando Aruba cu mas di 100 destinacion den full America. 

“Nos ta ansioso di por anuncia e servicio pa AUA Airport cu buelo non-stop pa Miami cuminsando November,” segun Daniel Shurz, senior vice president of commercial, Frontier Airlines. “Nos mision ta pa brinda prijs abou y husto pa nos clientenan y nos ta sigur cu e ruta nobo aki lo haci biahamento pa e isla ainda mas accesibel y economico pa turistanan, mientras na mesun momento dunando e localnan tambe un opcion atractivo pa biaha pa Merca. Nos ta ansioso pa yama bonbini na pasaheronan cu lo bai disfruta di e bunita paisahenan y e hospitalidad caluroso di Aruba y pa sirbi e localnan cu buelonan economico pa Miami y resto di Merca danki na nos network extensivo di ruta den Merca.”

“Na AUA Airport, nos ta dedica seriamente na Air Service Development! E esfuersonan di e ekipo cu a cuminsa prome cu e pandemia, awo ta cristalizando cu e adkisicion di un aerolinea nobo cu ta wordo agrega na e portofolio diverso di aerolineanan cu ta kere den Aruba y nos aeropuerto internacional. E prome paso aki den nos relacion cu e low-cost carrier Mericano popular lo brinda opcionnan di biahe adicional pa e pasaheronan local y for di Merca, según e motto di Frontier Airlines, “The sky is for everyone.” Frontier Airlines ta percura pa cumpli cu e vision aki door di brinda opcionnan economico. Como un aerolinea creciente y conciente di medio ambiente, e aerolínea ta cuadra perfectamente cu AUA Airport su vision pa futuro. Plannan di expansion y pa bira e aeropuerto mas sostenibel den e region ta aplicabel pa tanto AUA Airport y tambe Frontier Airlines,” asina Sra. Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends, Air Service Development Manager na AAA a expresa.

“Nos ta contento di por cuminsa e servicio nobo aki cu Frontier Airlines for di Miami, un di nos mercadonan cu prioridad. Mirando aña pasa, aumento den airlift ta crucial pa Aruba su recuperacion  y crecimento di turismo continuo, y continuamente nos ta purba di ofrece opcionnan di biahe expandi pa bishitantenan nobo y pa esnan cu ta regresa Aruba. E esfuersonan di Frontier pa reduci nan “carbon footprint” pa sigura un mundo mas limpi ta cuadra tambe cu Aruba su approach pa trese concientizacion y educashon na publico.” asina Sra. Ronella Croes, CEO di Aruba Tourism Authority a bisa.

“Un aerolinea y buelonan adicional pa Aruba ta e resultado di esfuersonan di AUA Airport y autoridadnan di turismo, y ta testimonio di e demanda pa Aruba como destinacion, danki na e hendenan maraviyoso cu ta traha tur dia pa sirbi nos turistanan y sigura un experiencia dushi y safe,” asina Sra. Tisa LaSorte Presidente y CEO di Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association a bisa. 


Fitting perfectly with AUA Airport’s strategic plan to become a greener airport:

Frontier Airlines to start flying to Aruba in November 2021


ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), the company that manages and operates Queen Beatrix International Airport (AUA Airport), is proud to announce that Frontier Airlines will start operating to Aruba November 2021.

For Frontier Airlines, same as for AUA Airport, green is not just their logo color. Still, it is a daily reminder of their mission and pursuit to be America’s Greenest Airline. These ideals perfectly fit AUA Airport’s strategic plan to become the most sustainable airport in the region.

The airline headquartered in Denver, Colorado, operates more than 100 A320 family aircraft and has the largest A320neo fleet in the Americas, serving approximately 120 destinations in the U.S., Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America.   The initial plan is to start November 2021 with one weekly service from Miami International Airport (MIA). 

With over 140 new Airbus planes on order, Frontier Airlines will continue to grow to deliver on its mission of providing affordable and greener travel options, connecting Aruba with over 100 destinations across America

“We’re excited to announce service to Queen Beatrix International Airport in Aruba with nonstop flights to Miami beginning this November,” said Daniel Shurz, senior vice president of commercial, Frontier Airlines. “Our mission is to deliver ‘Low Fares Done Right’ for our customers and we’re confident that this new route will make travel to the island even more accessible and affordable for tourists while at the same time providing an attractive option for locals wanting to travel to the U.S. We look forward to welcoming passengers onboard to enjoy the beautiful scenery and warm hospitality of Aruba and to serving locals with affordable flights to Miami and beyond through our extensive U.S. route network.”

“At AUA Airport, we are seriously dedicated to Air Service Development! The team’s efforts which have started before the pandemic, are now crystalizing with the addition of a new carrier to the diverse portfolio of carriers that believe in Aruba and our international airport. This first step in our relationship with the popular U.S. low-cost carrier will provide additional traveling options for both local and U.S. travelers, as per Frontier Airlines’ motto, “The sky is for everyone.” Frontier Airlines delivers this vision through its unique brand of low-fare options. As a growing and environmentally conscious airline, the airline perfectly fits AUA Airport’s vision for the future. Expansion plans and becoming the most sustainable airport in the region are applicable for both AUA Airport and Frontier Airlines,” expressed Mrs. Jo-Anne Meaux-Arends, Air Service Development Manager at AAA.

“We’re excited to begin this new flight service with Frontier Airlines from Miami, one of our priority markets. Considering the past year, increased airlift operations are crucial to Aruba’s continued tourism recovery and growth, and we are continually striving to offer expanded flight options for new and returning visitors alike to Aruba. Frontier’s effort to reduce their carbon footprint to ensure a cleaner earth is in line with Aruba’s approach to bring awareness and education to the public.” said Mrs. Ronella Croes, CEO of Aruba Tourism Authority.

“The addition of a new airline and additional flights to Aruba are a result of great efforts made by Aruba’s airport and tourism authorities, and a testament to the demand for Aruba as a destination thanks to the wonderful people that work every day to serve our tourists and ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.” said Mrs. Tisa LaSorte President and CEO of Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association. 


About AUA Airport 

AUA Airport is one of the busiest airports in the Caribbean region, with 19 different airlines operating into Aruba contributing in processing over 2.5 million passengers per year (pre-covid) and providing air service to 20 destinations worldwide. AUA Airport is operationally solid where over 95% of all visitors are leisure guests: 83% from the United States & Canada, 6% from Latin America, 8% from Europe, and 3% from Dutch Caribbean, year to date, March 2021. AUA Airport attributes this to the island’s stable economic and political climate, hospitable and multilingual population, and safe environment. AUA Airport undergoes continuous upgrades to maintain its position as one of the region’s most innovative airports.  

Learn more about what’s happening at AUA Airport by visiting www.airportaruba.com and connect with AUA Airport on Twitter.com/Aruba_Airport, Facebook.com/ArubaAirport, Instagram.com/arubaairport/ and Linkedin.com/ArubaAirport.

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