Home » Aurora Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Stan Bossong

Aurora Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di Stan Bossong

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Join us as we celebrate the life of Stan

We will say our last goodbye to Stan on Thursday Juli 1st, 2021 at 8:00 pm at The Drive-In.

The gate will be open at 7:00 pm. We would like to ask everyone to please stay until the end of the ceremony (10:00 pm).

Stan wanted everyone to wear bright colors so we ask to please grant him his wish.

We also wanted to ask on behalf of Stan if you can bring a pair of new sport shoes.
We will be donating them to those in need.

We will say our las goodbye with happy tears because this is what Stan wanted.
“Maak me blij”

The cremation of Stan will be on Friday July 2nd, 2021 in private atmosphere.

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