Home » Minister Xiomara Maduro a haci apertura di ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’

Minister Xiomara Maduro a haci apertura di ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’

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Oranjestad Dialuna ultimo Minister Xiomara Maduro a haci e apertura di ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’ na un manera virtual. ‘Aruba Investment Summit 2021’ a wordo organisa pa Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria. E cumbre a inicia dialuna 21 di mei y lo termina diaranson, 2 di juni 2021.  Un total di 341 participante di Aruba, Merca, Hulanda, Trinidad & Tobago, Curaçao y varios otro pais den region a participa na e cumbre aki. 


E mandatario a yama tur participante Bon Bini y a subraya e beneficionan di inverti na Pais Aruba. Alabes e dignatario a lansa e logo y e branding nobo di Aruba Investment Promotion Agency (ARINA), cu awor ta un unidad di Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria. ARINA ta consisti di un team di profesional cu tin como meta pa crea mas trabou den e sectornan nobo y prometedor di Aruba. E expertonan di ARINA lo conecta e inversionista cu e sector comercial, lo brinda tambe e informacion necesario tocante hacimento di negoshi na Aruba pa asina hacie mas facil pa e inversionista por establece na nos Pais.


Partnership ta e yabi pa exito

Minister Xiomara Maduro a subraya cu “In an economy where trade and investment can shape economic change, partnerships are the keys to success. In the Aruba Trade Board we combine knowledge and expertise and lead a coordinated effort to stimulate international trade and investment for Aruban businesses. The composition of the Aruba Trade Board is such to create a structural partnership between the public sector and the private sector, with the Aruba Chamber of Commerce, the Aruba Trade and Industry Association and the Free Zone Aruba as members. Through institutions like ARINA and the Aruba Trade Board, Aruba can promote its new Promising Sectors to investors in order to create more jobs, more economic activity and new economic sectors. By letting investors know that Aruba has more opportunities outside the main economic pillar, we can attract innovation, efficiency and quality and we can build a resilient Aruban economy! But we need success stories. We want you to support Aruba in providing unique and innovative island solutions, to invest and to create your wealth.”


Aruba One Happy Island 

E mandatario a invita e participantenan pa network y participa na e sesionan di ‘Round table’ durante  di e cumbre  pa haña informacion con pa inverti na Aruba, pa cera un trato cu partnernan comercial y inverti na Pais Aruba. Finalmente e mandatario ta spera cu pronto e  yama e particanteman Bon Bini na Aruba y pa hunto logra pa Aruba bira ‘Aruba One Happy Investment Island’.

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