“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things”.
It’s with great sorrow that we are announcing the passing of our dearly loved and unforgettable husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend:
Alexander Maarten Nieuwmeyer
Knight of the order of Orange-Nassau
Honorary member of the Rotary Club of Aruba
Paul Harris Fellow (Two Sapphires)
Managing Director Grape holding N.V. (Divi Hotels Aruba)
*31 May 1951, Amsterdam † 26 April, 2021, Aruba
Barbara Nieuwmeyer-Bregita
Jessica Nieuwmeyer and Zoey Arends
Anne Bregita
Family and friends abroad
Rob Noorduyn
Petra Noorduyn – van Rooyen
Peter Nieuwmeyer
Betty Nieuwmeyer – van Brummelen
Emile Bregita
Monique Bregita – van der Schaaff
Rosaline den Blanken – Nieuwmeyer
Teun den Blanken
Florentine Baldée – Nieuwmeyer
Jaap Baldée
Maarten van Wijk
Roderick Nieuwmeyer
Julia Nieuwmeyer – Bernhart
France Allard Jongsma
The cremation will take place this Friday, April 30th in family circle.
Due to COVID restrictions there are limited opportunities to say farewell and offer condolences in person. You are cordially invited to express your condolences, say goodbye at the following website:
Here you can register yourself and leave messages, poems, photos and videos, which will serve as much comfort to the loved ones.
This website will become active on Friday April 30th.