Home » Precision Eye Care a habri porta pa comunidad di Aruba!

Precision Eye Care a habri porta pa comunidad di Aruba!

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Cu hopi entusiasmo y positivismo Precision Eye Care a habri porta riba Diamars dia 17 di Februari. 

E optica Precision Eye Care ta wordo maneha door di hoben profesional Stephanie Thiel kende a studia pa Optometrist y Orthoptist na Hoogeschool van Utrecht y logra su dos Bachelor’s degree den e ramonan aki. Mientras Stephanie tabata studiando ela haci stage na diferente hospital na Hulanda manera; Radboud UMG Nijmegen, Meander Ziekenhuis Amersfoort, Medische Centrum Alkmaar y tambe Ziekenhuis Woerden. Ora cu a regresa nos isla, Stephanie a traha den diferente clinica di dokternan renombra den nos cumindad pa 7 aña prome cu a decidí di habri su mesun optica. 


Precision Eye Care ta e unico optica na Aruba cu un Optometrist y Orthoptist pues ta enfoca riba e cuido preventivo di wowo y bista di adulto y tambe di mucha. Nan proposito ta pa guia y educa nan cliente brindando e miho servicio personalisa. Nan ta ofrece un gran variedad di bril di marcanan renombra internacionalmente manera Anne klein, Cole Haan, Nike, Columbia, Converse, Lara D’, Calivin Klein y hopi mas. 

Precision Eye Care Aruba ta acepta cu tur seguro, AZV y tambe via verwijzing di doctor di cas. Pa afspraak por yama na: +297 565-5341 of via email: p[email protected] 

Orario lo ta di Dialuna pa Diabierna di 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM y riba Diasabra di 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Precision Eye Care ta situa na Caya G.F. Betico Croes #211-T Lokaal 3. 

Pa mas informacion por like y follow riba nan rednan social: 

Facebook: Precision Eye Care 


Precision Eye Care opens its door for the community of Aruba! 

With great excitement and positivism Precision Eye Care opened its doors on Tuesday, February 17. 

Precision Eye Care is managed by young eye care professional Stephanie Thiel. Stephanie has obtained two Bachelor’s degrees from the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht specialising as an Optometrist and Orthoptist. During her studies she conducted internships in various hospitals such as Radboud UMG Nijmegen, Meander Ziekenhuis Amersfoort, Medische Centrum Alkmaar, and tambe Ziekenhuis Woerden. Upon her return to Aruba, Stephanie worked in several renowned eye care clinics before opening her own eye care establishment. 

Precision Eye Care is the only eye care establishment on the island with an Optometrist and Orthoptist that offers preventive treatment and services for children and adults. It is their purpose to educate and bring awareness while offering the best personalized service. They offer a wide variety of international renowned brands such as Anne Klein, Cole Haan, Nike, Columbia, Converse, Lara D’, Calivin Klein and more. 

Precision Eye Care accepts all health insurance, AZV, and references from general practitioners. For your appointment you can call +297 565-5341or email: p[email protected]. 

They are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, on Saturdays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and are located at Caya G.F. Betico Croes #211-T Local 3. 

For more information like and follow their social media channels: 

Facebook: Precision Eye Care 

Instagram: @precisioneyecare.aua


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