Home » Ad Patres Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di SUNNEY ANDRES JOSEPH

Ad Patres Funeral Home ta anuncia fayecimento di SUNNEY ANDRES JOSEPH

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The LORD is my Shepard

I shall not want

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul

Psalm 23 verse. 1 & 2


With deep sorrow we announced the passing of:




Sunrise 07-12-1956 – Sunset 28-02-2021



†Horbon Joseph & †Edith Joseph Duncan



Mrs. Judith Joseph- Inesia



Cynthia and Smart Eledu Joseph St. Vincent

Leotta and Kola Adeyina Joseph Nigeria

Jardine Thomas Joseph England

Clayo Joseph Aruba

Theresita and Elmert Polonia Joseph Aruba

Norma and Albertis Murray Joseph Aruba

Yvonne and Orville Richardson Joseph St. Maarten



†Goff Joseph

Avro and Monica Paul Joseph Aruba

Raymon and Maxine Joseph Oats St. Maarten

John Joseph Aruba

Glen and Elisabeth Joseph Giron Aruba


Sister in laws:

Sandra Inesia Aruba

Zotina Inesia Aruba

Istella Inesia Aruba

Ricardia Inesia Aruba

Everina Inesia Aruba


Brother in Law:

Dino & Daylina Inesia Aruba


Mr. Sunney Joseph was related to the families: 

Joseph, Inesia,Duncan, Eledu, Adeyina, Murray, Williams, Polonia, Thomas, Paul, Allen,Floralin, Richardson, Maduro, Knowland, Lints, Lynch, Hernandez, Okorende, Charles.


Close friends: 

Wayne Urwin, Marlon Gumbs, Patricia Hook, Rosita Illidge, Victor Whitfield, Amarilys and Gregory Rodriguez, Cynthia Gumbs, Ingrid Stamper, Carmen & Edmond Seraus, Fransico (Popeye), Ida Illidge, Elaine Leader, Eric (Tutty).


All cousins, nieces, nephews, in laws, friends, neighbors, relatives too numerous to mention.


Ex coulleagues rom Americana, Allegro, Oxidental and Barceló Hotel.


The funeral service will take place on Saturday March 6th,2021 at 4:00 o’clock leaving the Santa Teresita Church to the Central Cemetery in Sabana Basora. 

The body of the late “Mr. Joseph” will be laid from 2 o’clock in the Santa Teresita Church followed by the funeral service.


Address for condolences Ad Patres Funeral Home Friday March 5th, 2021 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. We regret that after the funeral we can’t accept condolences at home.


Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend their most sincere condolences to the bereaved family.

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