Home » Colegio EPI y Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) ta presenta e programa di educacion BeYourOwnBoss ( English version included)

Colegio EPI y Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) ta presenta e programa di educacion BeYourOwnBoss ( English version included)

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Oranjestad – Colegio EPI y Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) ta informa cu entrante 1 di februari, 2021 ta cuminsa cu e programa BeYourOwnBoss cu un duracion di 18 siman.

Nos ta bibando den e era di Empresario Independiente!

Empresario independiente y e mentalidad empresarial (entrepreneurship) ta un habilidad esencial di siglo 21 cu ta altamente considera na nivel mundial como vital pa e recuperacion, crecemento y vitalidad di cada economia local mey mey di e crisis actual. Segun cu companianan ta reconfigura nan mes pa competi den e economia di innovacion, e magnitud di oportunidadnan pa tur empresario ta crece.

Consciente di e tendencia importante aki, Colegio EPI y Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) ta cuminsa entrante 1 di Februari, 2021 cu e programa BeYourOwnBoss cu un duracion di 18 siman. Un total di 100 studiante di e sector Hospitalidad y Turismo na EPI lo ta e promer grupo cu lo participa y wordo certifica. Lo incorpora e programa di educacion acredita aki den e curiculo existente na e sector. Ya caba a incorpora e programa aki den e curiculo di mas di 100 scol na nivel MBO na Hulanda. E compromiso di Colegio EPI ta pa den e añanan cu ta bin pa sigui incorpora e certificacion aki den e curiculo di programanan existente y nobo pa tur studiante.

E auto-descubrimento y e aumento di oportunidad laboral ta e pilarnan di e progama di educacion y ta enfatisa e sentido empresarial independiente cu tambe ta un opcion pa e studiante den su futuro como profesional. E programa educativo BeYourOwnBoss no ta converti tur studiante den un empresario independiente, pero si e ta yuda tur pa ta prepara pa tin un mentalidad di un empresario, pa ta competente y pa keda atractivo den e mercado laboral di futuro. Tambe, companianan di futuro lo definitivamente beneficia di por conta cu e pensamento empresarial y di innovacion como parti di e capacidad di su recursonan humano.

Colegio EPI y Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba), tambe ta kere den facilita educacion pa bida largo pa e comunidad di Aruba. Pa es motibo, tambe lo bay ofrece awor pa publico general e oportunidad unico di siña lo mas posibel tocante e sentido empresarial y con pa BeYourOwnBoss.   

Lo ofrece e programa di educacion di 18 siman na publico general y lo cuminsa e di dos siman di februari 2021 cu un sesion di introduccion. Les mes lo cuminsa oficialmente e siman di februari 15 y lo caba na final di juni. Lo presenta e programa di educacion na e idioma Ingles y lo organisa e lesnan dos biaha pa siman di 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. na Colegio EPI den un forma di educacion combina tanto fisicamente como virtual. E costo di henter e programa ta Afls. 350,- pa persona y ta inclui tur material y acceso pa e portal virtual di educacion di BeYourOwnBoss. Na final, e participante lo ricibi un certificado na nivel profesional (MBO) como empresario di futuro cu ta inclui e creacion di su propio portafolio digital di empresario y e diseño di su modelo di negoshi. Esaki lo duna e participante automaticamente un posicion di bentaha na momento cu e dicidi di tuma e siguiente paso cu micro-financiamento hunto cu Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba).

Participa den educacion pa bida largo door di adkiri e habilidadnan di siglo 21 y inverti den bo futuro! 

Inscripcion pa publico ya caba ta habri pero limita. No perde e oportunidad aki! Pa inscribi y mas informacion por bishita e pagina di Facebook di Colegio EPI of di Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) uza e siguiente link: https://bit.ly/2KJr5ck.



Colegio EPI and Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) launch the BeYourOwnBoss education program.

Oranjestad, Aruba

We are living in the era of Entrepreneurship!

Being a core 21st Century skill, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking is highly regarded globally as vital to the recovery, growth and vitality of every local economy in the midst of the current crisis. As companies reshape themselves to compete in the innovation economy, the opportunities for entrepreneurs are exponential. 

Being acutely aware of this important trend, Colegio EPI and Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) are launching as of February 1, 2021 the 18-week BeYourOwnBoss education program to the first 100 students at the unit Hospitality & Tourism. The BeYourOwnBoss education program will be incorporated in the existing curriculum of the unit as an accredited program that notably has been rolled out at over 100 vocational colleges (MBO Scholen) in the Netherlands. At successful completion, the program provides a certificate to the student at the level of vocational education (MBO niveau). The commitment of Colegio EPI is to incorporate this program as a standard certification in the curriculum of all the units for all students in the years to come.

Self-discovery and increasing job opportunities are all pillars of the program emphasizing that entrepreneurship is also a choice a student could make in their professional future. The BeYourOwnBoss education program does not make every student an entrepreneur, but it does make everyone entrepreneurial ready, resilient and marketable. Additionally, companies of the future will definitely benefit from having entrepreneurial thinking and innovation as part of their human resource capacity.

Devoted to providing lifelong learning to the community, Colegio EPI and Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) will now also offer the public this unique opportunity to learn everything about entrepreneurship and how to BeYourOwnBoss!

Devoted to providing lifelong learning to the community, Colegio EPI and Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) will now also offer the public this unique opportunity to learn everything about entrepreneurship and how to BeYourOwnBoss!

The 18-week program for the public will start in the second week of February with a kick-off session. Classes officially start on February 15 and ends at the end of June. The program will be offered in the English language and sessions are organized twice per week from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Colegio EPI in a blended learning approach. The cost for the entire program is Afl. 350,- per person and includes all course materials and digital access to the learning portal of BeYourOwnBoss. At the end, each participant will receive a certificate at a vocational level (MBO) as entrepreneurs of tomorrow and will have created their own digital Entrepreneur Portfolio and Business Model Canvas. This will automatically provide them with a position of advantage once they choose to go to the next step with microfinancing through Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba).

Engage in lifelong learning by acquiring 21st Century skills. Invest in your future!

Registration are now open but limited. Don’t miss out! You can access the digital registration by visiting the Facebook page of Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (Aruba) or Colegio EPI or through the following link: https://bit.ly/2KJr5ck 

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