Home » Since the Beginning of the Pandemic the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers Have Worked Hard with One Purpose in Mind to Make Aruba the Safest Place on Earth

Since the Beginning of the Pandemic the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers Have Worked Hard with One Purpose in Mind to Make Aruba the Safest Place on Earth

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The Volunteer Ministers from the Freewinds have been working since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic helping Aruba stay safe.  Beginning with the distribution of over 96,500 Stay Well booklets across the island and providing sanitization of more than 3,000,000,000 square feet of key locations but one of the volunteers commented that their work will continue resolutely until they bring the spread of the virus down to zero.


Businesses were very happy to receive the Stay Well booklets and be able to pass them along to their customers.  A store owner commented, “Very nice that you’re doing this. We have to come out of this situation. As you know Aruba’s economy is based on Tourism. And with this we can work together to get out of this situation and have the tourists back. We want them back.” 



Flanking the distribution of educational materials on how to be safe from Covid-19 the Freewinds is involved in an all-out effort to sanitize as many locations as possible.  This is being done by forming partnerships with business and organizations to get involved in the sanitization island-wide.


With the OK from the DVG and Aruba Crisis Team in early April, the Volunteer Ministers moved out through the island doing sanitization of key locations with a product called Decon 7, or D7, which is the most powerful disinfecting agent there is in killing bacteria and viruses.  Locations sanitized include schools, churches, government offices, medical facilities, police stations, the ambulances, restaurants, bars, hotels and more.  


The Port Captain of the Freewinds, Mr. Ken Weber stated, “These efforts are being done for the benefit of everyone on Aruba.  We have seen the effects of having the borders closed bringing the tourism to virtually zero.  Tourism is the lifeblood of Aruba, and as the base port for the Freewinds we want to make it safe for everyone to come here as a safe heaven. We helped push the number of active cases to zero once, and when the second outbreak came at the end of September the Volunteer Minsters were again out doing sanitization with the sole purpose to bring the cases down to zero again and for good.


We are not slowing down.  In fact, it is our intention to not only continue with all our prevention and sanitation actions, but expand it even further as we continue to partner with more and more local organizations and businesses who have the same purpose to increase the number of locations being sanitized daily.  The goal is to make Aruba the safest place on earth where people are happy to come to because they know is safe.”


As a local patron put it when she saw the Freewinds volunteers fogging a local mall: “You are from the Freewinds. I recognize you. You are the Volunteer Ministers that are helping make Aruba safe again! Thank you for everything you are doing for Aruba and our people, especially the children.  We see you all the time in the newspapers. Everyone is talking about you!  Please continue what you are doing, which is not only disinfecting the island, but educating people on the importance of following the protocols to stay safe. God bless you and god bless the Freewinds!” 

Mr. Jean Paul Gibbs, the facility manager for the MFA buildings, ensured his building were safe for the community and worked with the volunteers to get all of the buildings sanitized throughout the island and was very pleased with the efforts of the Volunteer Ministers. He expressed his appreciation by saying: “What you have done is extremely nice, very positive.  You are really helping the community.”


The most important point in the fight against Covid-19 is prevention.  It cannot be stressed enough that an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.   Protocols must be followed by everyone.  This is why the Volunteer Ministers provide educational materials in the form of Stay Well videos and copies of the Daily Cleaning & Sanitizing Checklist, in English or Spanish, at every location they visit.


To find out how you can protect yourself and others, how you can keep your home and place of work safe visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.

To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html

CONTACT:     Freewinds Port Captain   [email protected]                                                     Phone/Whatsapp: +1-727-666-0645 



E Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds a traha desde comienzo di e pandemia di Covid-19 pa ayuda Aruba keda liber di Covid.

Cuminsando cu e distribucion di mas di 96.000 pamfleta di  Stay Well riba nos isla y desinfectando mas di 3.000.000.pia cuadra di localidadnan clave.

Pero un persona di e Ministerio di Boluntario a comenta cu  nan trabou lo sigi te ora e virus baha na zero.

Negoshinan tawata contento di ricibi e pamfletanan di Stay Well y pasa nan pa nan clientenan. Un doño di negoshi a bisa:” Hopi bunita cu bosos ta hasi esaki. Nos tin cu Sali di e situación aki.Manera boso sa, Aruba su economía ta basa riba turismo. YU cu esaki nos por traha hunto pa saca nos for di e situación aki y haya nos turistanan bek. Nos kier pa nan bolbe.”

Banda di e distribucion di e materialnan educacional riba con pa keda liber di Covid-19 Freewinds ta envolví den un esfuerzo hopi grandi pa desinfecta mas tanto lugar cu por. Esaki ta wordo hasi den asociación cu negoshinan y organisacionanpa ta envolví den e desinfección riba nos isla.

Cu aprobación di DVG t Aruba Crisis team na April, e Ministerio di Boluntario a ranca Sali riba nos isla desinfectando lugarnan clave cu un producto yama Decon 7 of D7,c uta e desinfectante mas poderoso cu tin pa mata batería y virus.E lugarnan desinfectata inclui scolnan, misa,oficina di gobierno, warda di polis,lugarnan di ambulans, rewstaurants,bars, hotels y mas.

E Capitan Portuario di Freewinds, Sr. Ken Weber a comenta, E esfuersonan ta wordo hasi na beneficio di tur hende na Aruba. Nos a mira e efecto di e cierre di nos fronteranan treciendo turismo casi na zero. Turismo ta vida di Aruba y como nos base portuario di Freewinds nos kier pa Aruba ta e lugar mas sigur cu tin pa turista. Den prome instancia nos a yuda hiba e casonan na zeroy ora e segundo tanda a cuminsa na final di september  e Ministerio di Boluntario atrobe tawata riba caya ta yuda desinfecta cu e solo propositopa hiba e casonan activo bek na zero y pa Semper.

Nos no ta baha velocidad.De facto, ta nos intención pa no solamente sigi cu nos accionan di prevención y desinfección, pero nos lo expande esakinan cu asociación cu mas y mas organisacionan  y negoshinan local cu tin e propósito di desinfecta mas lugarnan diariamente. E meta ta di hasi Aruba e lugar mas sigur na mundo caminda hende ta contento di bin pasobra nan s acu Aruba ta sigur.”

Manera un negociante local a bisa ora ela mira  e boluntarionan di Freewinds ta spray un mall local:”Boso ta di Freewinds. Mi ta reconoce boso. Boso ta e Ministerio di Boluntario cu ta yuda Aruba ta liber di Covid-19 atrobe! Danki pa tur loke boso ta hasi pa Aruba y nos hendenan, specialmente nos muchanan. Nos ta waak boso tur ora den corant. Tur hende ta papia di boso! Por favor sigi hasi loke bos tah asiendo, no solamente desinfectando nos isla, pero educando hende riba e importancia di sigi e protocolnan pa keda sigur. Dios bendishona boso y Dios bendishona Freewinds!

Sr. Jean Paul Gibbs, manager di e facilidadnan di e edificionan di MFA a sigura cu su edificio ta sigur pa e comunidad y ela traha cu e boluntarionan pa desinfecta tur e edificionan di MFA riba nos isla.E tawata hopi contento cu e esfuersonan di e Ministeripo di Boluntario. Ela expresa su apreciación dor di bisa:” Loke boso a hasi ta sumamente importante, masa positivo. Di verdad boso t ayuda e comunidad.”

E punto mas importante den e batalla contra Covid-19 ta prevención.

Ta pone hopi énfasis riba un ons di prevención ta bal un ton di cura. Tur hende mester sigi e protocolnan. Pesey e Ministerio di Boluntario ta provee materialnan educativo den forma di Stay Well Videos y copia di The daily Cleaning & Sanitizing , Checklist na ingles y spaño, unda cu nan bishita.

Pa haya sa con pa protega bo mes y otronan, con bo por mantene bo cas y bo lugar di trtabouliber di Covid-19,bishita How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Centeronline na www.scientology.org/staywell na unda por mira tur e videonan y pamfletanan di Stay Well y por download copia  di esakinan gratuitamente.

Tur e materialnan aki ta obtenibel na spaño, ingles y hulandes y 18 idioma mas.

Pa siña mas di Freewinds mira Inside Scientology: TRhe Freewinds na The Scientology Network. www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds,html


Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

Phone/Whatapp +1-727-666-0645


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