Helping Santa spread the Christmas spirit, the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers made stops at the YMCA facilities and Imeldahof with gifts and merriment to cheer the kids and their parents making this Christmas a special time they will remember in the years to come.
Over the past few days the volunteers visited the YMCAs in San Nicolas and Dakota as well as Imeldahof with gift bags that were handed out to each child by Santa with the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers filling in as elves.
The children attending their Christmas events at the YMCAs were not expecting a visit from Santa Clause. When Santa was announced as arriving shortly by one of his elves they screamed with delight. Santa came into the room and asked if all had been good boys and girls. Upon getting a big “YES” from everyone Santa and his elves distributed the gift bags to the excited children.
The Operations Manager of the YMCA, Mr. Chris Figaroa said, “First I would like to thank the Freewinds and crew for all of the hard work they have been doing with the sanitizing and cleaning of schools, organizations, government buildings and public places for the community of Aruba.
“I think the children were very surprised, excited and happy. The smiles on their faces were great to see, especially after all that we have gone through this year with the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We are very grateful and forever thankful for the Freewinds and Volunteer Ministers for making it a very special Christmas dinner for the kids.”
The staff at the Imeldahof Center had similar originations of gratitude to the volunteers for taking the time to not only come and sanitize their spaces making it very safe for the kids during the holiday season but to do something special for them and giving them a surprise they were not expecting at all.
Mr. Ken Weber, Port Captain of the Freewinds stated, “It has been our pleasure to help in the fight against Covid-19 in Aruba. It is our intention to continue with all our prevention and sanitation actions to make Aruba the safest place on earth. But during the holidays we are adding a dose of cheer to our crusade to keep the community safe and maintaining all protocols, by bringing happiness to the children because even though we are having to keep social distancing, we are all in this together. We were more than pleased to see the excitement of the children and their happy faces when they got their Christmas gifts.”
The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service created in the mid-1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. It constitutes one of the world’s largest independent relief forces. A Volunteer Minister’s mandate is to be “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.” To learn more about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers visit www.volunteerministers.org.
To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html
CONTACT: Freewinds Port Captain [email protected] Phone/WhatsApp: +1-727-666-0645
E Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds a yuda Santa comparti e espíritu di Pasco na YMCA y na Imelda Hof. Nan a yega cu regalo y hopi entusiasmo pa anima e muchanan y nan mayor hasiendo e Pasco aki uno special cu nan lo corda pa hopi aña.
Durante e ultimo dianan e boluntarionan a bishita e YMCA’s na San Nicolas y Dakota y tambe Imelda Hof cu saconan di regalo cu Santa a duna cada mucha y e boluntarionan actuando como e ayudantenan di Santa.
E muchanan cu a atende nan celebración di Pasco na YMCA no a spera e bishita di Santa Claus. Ora un di Santa su ayudante a anuncia cu Santa ta yega un djis e muchanan a grita di entusiasmo. Santa a drenta y a puntra si nan tur a comporta nan mes bon. Ora nan tur a grita cu “SI” Santa y su elfos a cuminsa reparti e saconan di regalo na e muchanan hopi anima.
E manager di operations di YMCA. Sr.Chris Figaroa a bisa:” Primeramente lo mi kier a gradici Freewinds y su tripulación pa tur e trabou duru c unan ta haciendo desinfectando y limpiando scol,organisacionan, edificionan di gobierno y lugarnan publico pa e comunidad di Aruba. Mi ta kere cu e muchanan tawata hopi sorprendi , excita y contento. Tawata un place waak e sonrisa riba nan cara, specialmente después di tur loke nos a pasa aden cu e Pnademia di Covid-19.”
“nos ta masha agradecido y eternamente agradecido na Freewinds y e Ministerio di Boluntario pa a hasi esaki un Cena di Pasco special pa e muchanan.”
E staf na Centro Imelda Hof tambe tawata hopi agradecido na e Ministerio di Boluntario cu a tuma nan tempo pa desinfecta nan lugar haciendo di esaki un lugar sigur pa e muchanan durante e dianan di fiesta pero tambe pa hasi algo special pa nan y dunando nan un sorpresa c unan no a spera.
Sr. Ken Weber, Capitan Portuario di Freewinds a bisa:” Tawata nos placer p ayuda den e lucha contra Covid-19 na Aruba. Ta nos intención pa sigi cu nos trabounan di prevencion y desinfección pa hasi Aruba e lugar mas sigur na mundo. Pero durante e dianan di fiesta nos a agrega un poco animo na nos crusada pa mantene e comunidad liber di Covid manteniendo tur e protocolnan. Nos ta treciendo felicidad pa e muchanan pasobra maske nos ta manetene distancia social nos ta den esaki hunto. Nos tawata hopi contento pa waak e caranan felis di e muchanan ora nan a ricibi nan regalo di Pasco.”
E programa di e Ministerio di Boluntario di e Iglesia di Sciensologia ta un servicio social religioso crea na mitar di década 70 pa e Fundador di Sciensolohgia L.Ron Hubbard. E ta un di e forsanan di ayudo independiente mas grandi na mundo. E mandato di un Ministerio di Boluntario ta “ un persona c uta yuda su prohimoriba base voluntario dor di restaura propósito,verdad y balornan spiritual den vida di otronan.” Pa haya sa mas di e Ministerio di Boluntario bishita www.volunteerministers.org.
Pa haya sa di Freewinds, waak Inside SCientologfy: The Freewinds na Scientology Network.( www.scientology.tv/series/insode-scientology/freewinds.html)
Freewinds Port Captain