SPCOA schools have been being sanitized by the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers as part of the effort to keep the schools of Aruba Covid free so students and faculty can be safe with no stops to education.
Over the past several months the Volunteer Ministers have been working tirelessly in helping to keep Aruba schools safe. With approximately a thousand students attending SPCOA schools every day it is important to do everything possible to eliminate the possibility of not only getting an illness, but spreading it to family and friends as well. These schools were not only sanitized once, but several times. Students deserve a safe environment in which to learn.
In addition to sanitization the Volunteer Minister also provided educational materials to the schools in the form of Stay Well prevention videos. These videos provide essential information on how to protect yourself and others against illness. Teachers find this information invaluable not only for informing the students, but also to educate the school staff and parents.
One of the school principals said, “I’m very happy that you guys came to help with the disinfection. The videos are very good. It is very important that we take care of our health and we try to stay healthy, especially now!”
Along with the Stay Well videos the schools were provided with Daily Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklists. These checklists are very thorough but simple to follow. When followed they have proven effective in helping to stop the spread of Covid-19. These can be used in schools, at home and in the workplace.
In recognition for all the that the Freewinds has done for the SPCOA schools the Chairman of the School Board, Mr. Randall Croes, presented a letter of appreciation to the Freewinds Captain and Crew on behalf of the school community.
Mr. Croes commented, “The schools appreciate your efforts quite a lot. There are costs involved in sanitization and these were unexpected. Your efforts came at just the right time and were very welcome. With your help we were able to keep the disruption of the schools to a minimum. Again, thank you so much.”
To find out how you can prevent illness by using proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques at home or work visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge. All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.
To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)
To find out how you can get copies of the Daily Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklist
CONTACT: Freewinds Port Captain at [email protected] Phone/WhatsApp: +1-727-666-0645
Scolnan di SPCOA a wordo desinfecta pa e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds como parti di nan esfuerso pa yuda scolnan di Aruba keda liber di Covid-19. Asina staff y alumno di e scolnan por ta sigur cu nan por disfruta di educación continuo.
Den e ultimo lunanan e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds a traha incansabel pa scolnan di Aruba ta sigur. Centenares di alumno ta bishita scolnan di SPCOA tur día y pa e motibo aki ta hasi tur lo posibel pa elimina e posibilidad di no solamente contrae un malesa, pero tambe di plam’e entre famia y amigonan.
E scolnan aki a wordo desinfecta no un biaha pero varios biaha. Studiantenan merece un lugar sigur na unda nan por siña.
Banda di desinfecta e scolnan e Ministerio di Boluntario tambe a hasi entrega di material educacional den forma di videonan preventivo di Stay Well. E videonan ta duna información esencial con pa proteha bo mes y otronan contra malesa. Maestronan ta haya e informacion aki hopi valioso no solamente pa informa e studiantenan pero tambe pa educa e maestronan y e mayornan.
Un cabesante a bisa ,:”Mi ta hopi contento cu bosonan a bin pa yuda desinfecta nos scol, E videonan ta hopi bon. Ta hopi importante pa nos cuida nos salud y nos mester mantene no mes saludabel specialmente den e temponan aki.”
Hunto cu e Stay Well videos scolnan tambe a haya e lista di chequeo di Limpieza Diario y desinfección.
E lista di chequeo ta hopi detaya pero simpel pa sigi. Ora sigi e recomendacionan nan a demostradi stop Covid-19 di plama. Nan por wordo usa na scol, na cas of na bo lugar di trabou. Como reconocimentro pa tur e trabou cu Freewinds a hasi pa scolnan di SPCOA, E presidente di conseho escolar di SPCOA, Sr Randall Croes, a presenta un carta di Reconocimento na Freewinds y e tripulación, den nomber di e comunidad di scol.
Sr. Croes a bisa:”E scolnan ta aprecia boso esfuerzo masha hopi mes. Tin gastonan envolví den desinfecta y esaki nan tawata sin spera. Boso esfuerzo a yega na ora y ta hopi aprecia. Cu boso ayudo nos a logra cu scol por a sigi cu minimo interupcion. Un biaha mas, hopi danki”
Pa haya sa con pa preveni malesa usando tecnicanan apropia pa limpieza y desinfección, na cas of trabou, bishita www.scientology .org/staywell na unda bo ta haya tur e videonan di Stay Well y e pamfletanan tambe. E viseos y e pamfletanan por wordo download y por saca copia gratuitamente. Tur e material ta obtenibel na ingles, hulandes y spaño y 18 idioma mas.
Pa siña mas di The Freewinds, waak Inside Scientolpogy: The Freewinds na Scientology Network (copia di e “ Daily Cleaning and Sanitizing Checklist
Freewinds port captain at [email protected]
Phone/whatapp: +1 727-666-0645