Home » In Aruba, Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds Cruise Ship Continue their Community Outreach

In Aruba, Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds Cruise Ship Continue their Community Outreach

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Active throughout the pandemic, Freewinds Volunteer Ministers continue promoting prevention while they carry out sanitization actions to help Aruba.

In an island hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year, Volunteer Ministers from the Church of Scientology Freewinds urge the community to continue to prevent the spread of the virus with proven prevention protocols.

Their message to Aruba is “One ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure”. There are simple procedures that can help ensure their health and safety and these are all available in English, Spanish, Dutch and 18 other languages on www.scientology.org/staywell/ 

This week the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers broke a new record of over one million square feet sanitized across Aruba in the last 2 months. This sanitization is being done using Decon7 Systems, which is one of the most powerful decontaminant agents available, funded and provided by the MV Freewinds.

During this time the volunteers have sanitized various establishments such as kindergartens, schools, colleges, homes for the mentally impaired and disabled, cultural houses, funeral homes, bowling alleys, gymnasiums and much more…



Volunteer Ministers sanitizing the Maria College, where the principle exclaimed: “Thank you SO much,   this is really appreciated! Thank you for your work!!”  



… And then again sanitizing at the Man na Obra for the mentally impaired:


The Church of Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service created in the mid-1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. It constitutes one of the world’s largest independent relief forces. A Volunteer Minister’s mandate is to be “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.” Their creed: “A Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.” And it is on this spirit that the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers serve Aruba in this times of uncertainty with the goal to bring new vistas to this beautiful island of the Caribbean.

To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


CONTACT:     Freewinds Port Captain   [email protected]                                                     Phone/WhatsApp: +1-727-666-0645 



Durante e pandémico e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta sigi promove prevención y ta sigi cu su accionan di desinfección p ayuda Aruba.

Como cu nos isla a wordo azota cu COVID-19 mas tempran den e aña, e Ministerio di Boluntario di e Misa di Scientology, Freewinds,ta urgi nos comunidad pa sigi preveni  cu e virus ta plama cu e protocolnan comproba. 

Nan mensaje pa Aruba ta:” Un ons di prvencion   ta bal un kilo di curación” Tin proceduranan simpel cu por yuda percura pa nan salud y seguridad y tur esaki ta obtenibel na ingles, hulandes, spaño y 18 otro idioma na Scientology.org/staywell/

E siman aki e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds a kibra record desinfectando mas di 1 miyon pia cuadra na Aruba den e ultimo dos luna. E desinfección ta wordo haso cu e sistema di Decon 7, cu ta e  descontaminante mas poderoso obtenibel, c uta wordo paga y provee dor di MV Freewinds.

Durante e tempo aki e boluntarionan a desinfecta diferente establecimiento manera kleuter scol, scolnan básico, cas pa esnan mentalmente descapacita, funeraria, lugarnan di bowling, gyms y mucho mas.

Cabesante di John Wesley College, sra. Andriane Guillard, a bisa:”Mi ta hopi contento cu boso a bin  p ayuda nos desinfecta. Ta hopi importante cu nos percura pa nos salud specialmente  awor nos mester mantene nos salud”

Ministerio di Boluntad ta desinfectando Maria College. E cabesante a remarca:”Hopi danki!realmente nos ta aprecia esaki!Danki pa boso trabou!”

Desinfectando na Man na Obra pa esnan mentalmente descapacita.

Kleuterschool Cacioque Aterima tambe a wordo desinfecta. Aki e comentario tawata:” Danki Freewinds y Dios bendiciona boso pa e trabou cu boso ta hasi”


E Ministerio di Boluntario di e Misa di Sciensologia  ta un servicio social religioso crea medio  añanan 1970 dor di e fundador di Sciensologia L. Ron Hubbard. E ta un di e forsanan di socorro independiente  mas renombra na mundo E misión di un persona den  Ministerio di Boluntario ta: “Un persona c uta yuda su prohimo den un forma voluntario dor di restaura propósito, berdad y  balornan spiritual den bida di otronan” Nan credo ta:” Un voluntario den Ministerio no ta será su wowo pa e dolor, maldad y inhusticiadi nos existencia.”


Mas bien; e ta entrena pa maneha esakinan y yuda otronan haya alivio di nan y restaura  forsa personal tambe.“ Y ta den e espirito di esaki cu e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds. Ta sirbi Aruba den e temponan insigur cu nos ta pasa aden. E meta t apa trece bistanan nobo pa e isla bunita den Caribe.Pa haya sa mas di Freewinds  mira Inside Scientology: The Freewinds na e Scientology Network( www.scientology.tv/series/inside scientology/freewinds.html)


Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

Phgone/Whatsapp: +1 727-666-0645


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