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In these days when an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure the SKOA Organization and the Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds work as a team to protect all the students and teachers in their schools.

Since the onset of the Covid-19 virus the Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds have worked tireless to carry out the sanitization of key locations across Aruba.  And now with the second outbreak affecting the island the Volunteer Ministers have been working even harder, especially when it comes to protecting the future generations, by concentrating their efforts on the schools.

“With the second outbreak of Corona virus on the island mainly being spread through family contacts, the sanitization of schools was an obvious choice,” said the Port Captain of the Freewinds, Mr. Ken Weber.  “Ensuring that the children do not get infected, keeping the kids and teachers safe is a means to protect the families.”.  This viewpoint is shared by many at the schools, as in the case of the Principal from Scol Preparatorio Prome Paso, Ms. Gislaine de Cuba, who said in response to this effort: “Thank you so much for coming to sanitize our school. It’s very important for the children, the parents and the teachers!”

More than 35 school facilities across Aruba have been disinfected over the past few weeks with half of these being schools of SKOA.  This activity will continue in schools with renewed vigor now that the number of active cases on the island are decreasing, showing that with these actions and the adherence to the protocols we can win this battle against Covid-19. 



When Mr. Weber contacted 

Mrs. Anuesca Baly, the Managing Director of SKOA to let her know about the sanitization plan in execution by the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers in all the schools of Aruba, she said: “It is good to cooperate.  By working together, we will get through this.  The help is very much appreciated.”


In addition to the sanitization, teachers and principals are being provided with a series of Stay Well videos covering the key prevention actions everyone should be following to remain safe.  These videos have been provide in Spanish, Dutch and English. They are simple and easy to understand, providing the Principals with a tool they can used to not only teach the children how to stay well and prevent the spread of disease, but to educate the parents and teachers as well. 

Mr.  Randy Arends, the Principal of the St. Paulus School, said to one of the Freewinds Volunteers: “Thank you very much for helping us, it is really appreciated. It is something that makes us all feel safer and calmer.”  Similarly the Principal of Colegio San Hose said: “Thank you very much for coming. We are doing our best but this is help that I think everyone should take because what one does is never enough! This will bring calm.” 


Almost one for one, the school principals are having the Stay Well videos posted on the Facebook pages of the schools making it possible for the parents to see not only the care the schools are taking to protect the kids, but to be able to view the Stay Well videos for themselves.


To find out how you can protect yourself, your home, school or workplace visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.


To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)



Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

(727) 666-0645 Phone/WhatsApp

Uniendo forsa pa proteha esnan cu lo crea nos futuro.

Den e dianan aki mientras un ons di prevención t abal un ton di cura, e organización di SKOA y e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds  ta traha hunto pa proteha tur nos alumno y maestro den nan scol.

 Desde comienzo di e virus Covid-19 e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta trahando sin cansa pa desinfecta lugarnan clave na Aruba. Awor cu e segundo brote afectando nos isla e Ministerio di Boluntario ta trahando mas dura ainda specialmente ora ta trata di proteha nos futuro generación, dor di concentra nan esfuerzo riba nos scolnan.

“Pasobra e segundo brote di Corona virus ta wardo plama dor di contacto familiar, desinfectando e scolnan obviamente tawata necesario.”, e capitan portuario di Freewinds, sr. Ken Weber, a bisa.” Sigurando cu  e muchanan no ta wordo infecta, manteniendo e muchanan y e maestronan sigur ta un manera pa proteha e famianan.”

E opinion aki ta wordo comparti dor di hopi hende na nos scolmnan. E cabesante di Scol Preparatorio Prome Paso, sra. Gislaine de Cuba respondiendo na e esfuerzo aki a bisa:” Hopi danki pa a bini pa desinfecta nos scol, e ta hopi interesante pa e alumnonan, e mayornan y e maestronan!”

Mas di 35  edificio di scol na Aruba a wordo desinfecta den e simanan cu a pasa y mas di mitad di nan ta scolnan di SKOA.E actividad aki lo sigui na mas scol  cu mas vigor awor cu e number di casonan activo na nos isla ta bahando, mustrando cu e accionan tuma y manteniendo nos na e protocolnan nos por gana e batalla contra Covid-19.

Ora sr. Weber a tuma contacto cu sra. Anuesca Baly, e directora di SKOa, pa informe di e plan di desinfecta cu e Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds ta ehecutando  na tur scol di Aruba, ela bisa:” Ta bon pa coopera.dor di traha hunto nos lo supera esaki. E ayuidpo ta wordo hopi aprecia”

A parte di desinfecta, maestronan y cabesantenan ta haya un serie di video di Stay Well cu ta cubri e accionan preventivo tur hende mester sigui pa mantene nan mes saludabel. E videonan aki tan a spaño, ingles y hulandes. Nan ta simpel y fácil pa comprende, dunando e cabesandte un medio pa usa no solamente pa siña e muchanan con pa keda saludabel y preveni plama e malesa, pero tambe pa educa e mayornan y e maestronan.

Sra. Lai Ping Cheong, cabesante di St. Rosa College, a bisa lo siguiente di e Ministerio di Boluntario y  e videonan di prevención:”Mi ta asina contento cu boso a bin.Masha danki! Hopi bunita! Lo mi comparti e videonan cu mi maestronan y e alumnonan. Si mester pa e mayornan haya algo e mester bai via e muchanan. Nan lo bisa nan kiko pa hasi.”

Sr. Randy Arends, cabesante di St Paulus School, a bisa un di e boluntario di Freewinds:” Masha danki pa yuda nos, e ta wordo hopi aprecia. E ta algo c uta laga nos sinti mas tranquil y sigur.” 

E cabesante di Colegio San Hose similarmente a bisa:” masha danki pa bin. Nos ta hasi tur loke nos por e esaki ta ayudo cu nos tur mester tuma pasobra loke bo hasi nunca ta suficiente! Esaki lo trece tranquilidad.”

Casi tur cabesante di e scolnan ta post e videonan di Stay Well riba e pagina di Facebook di nan scol.  Esaki ta hasi posibel cu e mayornan  por wak kiko e scolnan ta hasi pa proteha e muchanan pero tambne nan por mira e Stay Well videos tambe.

Pa haya sa con pa proteha bo mes ,bo cas, scol of lugar di trabou, bishita e How to Stay Well Resource Center online na www.scientology.org/staywell. Aki por mira tur e videonan Stay Well y e pamfletanan por wordo downloaded gratuitamente. Tur e material aki ta obtenibel na spaño, ingles y hulandes y 18 idioma mas.

Pa siña mas di Freewinds, wak Inside Scientology: The Freewinds na the Scientology Network. ( www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

(727) 666 0645 Phone/ WhatApp


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