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As the cases of Covid-19 have risen to over 1300, effective action needs to be stepped up. “It is time to fight back hard against the current outbreak of Covid-19.  We have been losing ground and turning this situation around is something everyone has to take part in,” says the Port Captain of the Freewinds, Ken Weber

Taking the fight to locations where people gather are the Volunteer Ministers of the Freewinds along with personnel from the Aruba Fire Department, who are now redoubling their efforts to rapidly sanitize these locations with Decon 7, the most effective virus killing agent available in the market today.


In order to help protect families in the community they have started the sanitation with the key locations such as schools and churches.  Along with the sanitization actions Stay Well prevention videos are being provided to teachers and clergy as tools to protect their community.  These videos cover such topics as “Extra Precautions at Home”, “Extra Precautions at Work”, “Why Prevention is Important” and many more key subjects.  


After sanitizing the Reina Beatrix school and seeing the videos the principal commented, “Freewinds, thank you so much for being here, we really appreciate your help! The videos are very educational.  Everybody needs to know about these.” And one of the principals at Colegio San Nicolas, said: “I believe that people need to see these videos in order to have reality on what’s happening, they are told but they can’t see the virus so they have to look at something and these are easy and good tools!”


Similarly, sanitization of several Churches was rapidly provided and those serviced were very appreciative, as a means to protect their congregations.  The preventative information Stay Well videos were also shown there and Pastor Greenaway said: “This meeting is very timely and this information will not stop here but will be disseminated for use”. Another Church staff, when viewing the Stay Well video “How to Keep Yourself and Others Well” said, “These videos are very informative, they need to be shared with everybody so that people can understand more.”




They could not be more right.  The efforts to stop the spread of the illness must be multiplied. The Corona virus is not selective, everyone is at risk.  And just because one does not feel ill it does not mean the person is not carrying the virus and spreading it to others.


Everyone needs to follow the procedures to prevent the spread of illness at home and at work. Even though we are all keeping our distance, we are all in this together and we must care for ourselves and those around us by getting everyone active on following all protocols.


To find out how you can protect yourself and others, how you can keep your home and place of work safe visit the How to Stay Well Prevention Resource Center online at www.scientology.org/staywell where all the Stay Well videos and booklets can be seen and copies downloaded, free of charge.  All of these materials are available in Spanish, Dutch, English as well as 18 more languages.


To learn more about the Freewinds, watch Inside Scientology: The Freewinds on the Scientology Network.(www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

(727) 666-0645 phone



Pasobra e casonan di Covid-19 a subi te mas di 1300 accion efectivo mester ta mas fuerte. Ta ora pa batalla duro contra e brote actual di Covid-19. Nos ta perdiendo e batalla   cambiando e situación aki ta henter e comunidad mester participa., e capitán portuario, Ken Weber, a bisa.

E Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds  y e personal di cuerpo di Bombero ta hibando e batalla pa e lugarnan unda hende ta aglomera y ta desinfectando esakinan rápidamente cu Decon 7, e desinfectante mas efectivo pa mata virus riba mercado na e momentonan aki.

Pa por proteha nos comunidad mas efectivo a cuminsa desinfecta lugarnan clave manera scol y misa. Hunto cu e acción di desinfecta, e videonan  di Stay Well a wordo ofrece na e maestronan y e pastornan como un herment pa  proteha nan comunidad. E videonan ta cubri topiconan manera “ Precaucion extra na Cas”, Precaución extra na Trabou”, “ Pakiko Prevencion ta necesario” y hopi mas topico clave pa cu e pandemia di Covid-19.

Después di a desinfecta Colegio Reina Beatrix y e cabesante a mira e videonan y ela comenta:” Freewinds, masha danki pa tey , realmente nos ta aprecia e ayudo! E videonan ta hopi educacional.Tur hende mester sa di esakinan.

Un miembro di directiva di Colegio San Nicolas a bisa:” Mi ta kere cu hende mester wak e videonan aki pa nan haya e realidad di loke ta pasando. Nan ta wordo bisa di e virus pero nan mester wak e videonan aki pa nan wak e realidad di e pandemia aki. E videonan ta fácil pa compronde y nan ta un bon fuente di información pa nos pueblo.

Tambe a desinfecta diferente misa rápidamente y esnan cu a haya e servicio aki a aprecia esaki como manera pa proteha nan congegacion. E información preventivo den e videonan di Stay Well tambe a wordo mustra na e misanan y pastor Greenaway a bisa:”E reunión aki tawata na ora y e información riba e videonan no ta keda aki pero lo wordo destribui pa uso di nos hendenan.

Otro miembro di iglesia a remarca ora e tawata waak e videonan di Stay Well y How to Keep Yourself and Others Well a cu e videonan aki ta hopi informativo y nan mester wordo comparti cu tur hende pa asina nan compronde mas di e pandemia.

Nan tin razón. E esfuersonan pa stop e virus di plama mester multiplica. Corona Virus no ta selectivo, tur hende ta core e riesgo di contagia. Y no pasobra un persona no ta sinti nan mes malo kier meen cu e persona no ta carga e virus y ta plam’e pa otro hende.

Tur hende mester sigui e proceduranan pa preveni plama e malesa na cas y na trabou. Maske nos tur ta manteniendo distancia nos tur ta hunto den esaki y nos mester cuida nos mes y esnan rond di nos dor di motiva tur hende pa sigui e protocolnan.

Pa haya sa con pa proteha bo mes y otronan, con pa mantene bo cas y bo lugar di trabou sano bishita e “ How to Stay Well Resource Center online na www.scientology.org/staywell. Aki por mira tur e videonan y pamfletanan di Stay Well. Bo por download copia di esakinan gratuitamente. Tur e material ta obtenibel na spaño, hulandes, ingles y 18 idioma mas.

Pa haya sa mas di Freewinds, waak, Inside Scientology: The Freewinds na  Scientology Network. ( www.scientology.tv/series/inside-scientology/freewinds.html)


Freewinds Port Captain

[email protected]

(727) 666-0645


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