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ORANJESTAD –  A ceremony was held at the Kudawecha Basisschool were the Acting Director of Education, Ms. Nora Eleonora, made a presentation before a group of teachers and school principals to recognize the work done by the Volunteer Minsters from the Freewinds and the Aruba Fire Department after having sanitized 18 public schools to protect against Covid-19.


In the weeks leading up to schools reopening, and just after opening, schools were sanitized to make them safe for students and teachers.  The positive effects of this action did not go unnoticed.


After presenting a unique piece of artwork to Mr. Ken Weber, Port Captain of the Freewinds, Ms. Eleonora expressed her gratitude stating, “Thank you so much Freewinds to be with us at the time we needed you.  You are really angels to help us.  It is very special to us to have you here to help our schools so that our children can be safe.”


In accepting this recognition Mr. Weber responded saying, “Thank you for opening your doors to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers and the Aruba Fire Department so that we could provide the service of sanitizing the schools.  What can be more important than protecting the future of the island, and that future is the youth attending schools. If they are safe, if the teachers, principals and parents have peace of mind that the schools are safe the students can come to resume their studies.  When you have a solution such as we have, sanitizing with D7, knowing that it is the best product there is, you cannot stand on the sidelines and watch.  You have to provide help as we are all in this together.”


During the past few months the Freewinds Volunteer Ministers working with the Aruba Firefighters have sanitized over 120 locations including police stations, NGO facilities, churches, government offices and 47 schools.


For information on how you can continue to stay well and protect your family, co-workers and yourself from illness go to https://www.scientology.org/staywell where booklets, videos and posters can be found.


Departamento di Ensenansa ta duna reconocemento na e Boluntarionan di Freewinds cu a  desinfecta nos schoolnan.


Un ceremonia a wordo teni na scol básico Kudawecha caminda directora interino di Educación, sra. Nora Eleonora, a hasi un presentación dilanti di un grupo di maestro y cabesantenan di school, pa reconoce e trabou haci dor di Ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds y cuerpo di Bombero di Aruba después cu nan a desinfecta 18 scol publico pa protección contra Covid-19.


Den e simanan prome cu reapertura di nos scolnan, y net después di reapertura,scolnan a wordo desinfecta pa  hasi nan sigur pa alumno y maestronan. E efecto positivo di e acción aki no a pasa sin mas.


Después di a presenta un pida Arte único na sr. Ken Weber, Port Captain di Freewinds, sra. Eleonora a expresa su gratitude bisando;” Danki na boso di Freewinds, pa ta cu nos na e momento cu nos ta tin mester di boso. Boso realmente ta angelnan pa yuda nos. Ta hopi importante pa tin boso ta yuda nos scolnan pa nos yuinan por ta sigur.”


Aceptando e reconocimiento sr. Weber a bisa,” Danki pa habri portanan pa e Ministerio di Boluntario di Siensologia y Departamento di Bombero di Aruba pa nos por a duna e servicio di desinfecta e scolnan. Kiko por ta mas importante cu proteha e futuro di nos isla y e futuro ta nos hobenan atendiendo scol. Si nan salud ta sigura, si e maestronan, cabesantenan y mayornan tin e siguransa cu scolnan ta sigur, e ora ey nos alumnonan por resumi nan estudio. Ora bo tin un solución manera nos tin ,desinfecta cu D-7, sabiendo cu e ta e mihor producto cu tin, bo no por para na banda y mira.

Bo tin cu extende ayudo ya cu nos tur ta hunto den esaki.”


Durante e ultimo lunanan e ministerio di Boluntario di Freewinds hunto cu e departamento di Bombero di Aruba, a desinfecta 120 establecimento incluyendo wardanan di polis, Facilidadnan di Boluntario, misanan, oficinanan di gobierno y 47 scol.


Pa información con bo por sigui mantene bo mes saludabel y proteha bo famia, coleganan y bo mes di enfermedad bai na https://www.scientology.org/staywell unda bo por haya buki, videos y posters.

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