Home » Konferensia di Pueblonan Karibense I Amerika Latino ( English version included)

Konferensia di Pueblonan Karibense I Amerika Latino ( English version included)

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Mientras ku ta konmemorando 1 July 1863 abolishon di sklabitud o dia di emansipashon den kolonianan Hulandes, I kasi henter Karibe I mundu ta den un era post-kolonial, nos isla Bonaire I e otro islanan di Karibe Hulandes te ku awe a permanese kolonianan Hulandes. Komo ku e Hulandesnan tabata un di e ultimonan na 1863 pa aboli sklabitud kasi un siglo despues ku otro islanan Karibense, e gobierno Hulandes a malinforma I manipula e komunidat internashonal ku nan a finalisa e proseso di dekolonisashon I a stop di raporta na Nashonan Uni na 1954 I a kontinua ku kolonisashon di e islanan Karibe Hulandes te ku awe. Awe 1 juli 2020 nos ta hasi un yamada dramatiko riba e gobierno Hulandes pa aboli kolonialismo riba e islanan di Karibe Hulandes.


Fundashon Nos Kier Boneiru Bek riba su mishon kontinuo di konsientisa riba e situashon-no-demokratiko riba nos isla Bonaire a partisipa resientemente den e prome Konferensia Online di Pueblonan Karibense I Latino Amerika. E Movimiento Karibense pa Paz, e Movimiento Karibense pa Paz I Integrashon, E Sindikato di Trahadornan Kristian di Belize, Konseho di Paz di Jamaica I e Kongreso Global Afrikan a organisa e prome konferensia online di pueblonan di Karibe I Amerika Latino ku sosten di diferente organisashon grassroot I siviko sosial di e region kompleto.


E konferensia ku tabata plania originalmente simultaneamente ku e konferensia annual di Hefenan di Estado di CARICOM, debi na e situashon ku no por a biaha, lockdown, den Karibe I na mundu, e konferensia e anja aki a wordu organisa online riba e eksperiensanan I lesnan di COVID-19 ku e mira , meta pa logra un red di pueblonan di den region sosteniendo Integrashon, Koperashon Pasifiko I Resiliensa kontra menasanan ambiental I di salud.


Representantenan di organisashonan grassroots I sosiedat sivil, ambasadornan, periodistanan, abogadonan, lidernan sindikal, ekonomista, sientifkonan, profesornan, sientifikonan mediko, profeshonalnan, aktivista di derechonan humano, dekano I direktornan di universidatnan, psykiatra, for di Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Jamaica, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Merka, Martinique, Haiti, Brazil, Barbados I Bonaire a partisipa den e konferensia historiko aki.


Resumen di e deklarashon pa sigui avansa e mishon den e legado di nos antepasadonan:


E pueblonan di Latino Amerika I Karibe tin un historia komun. A pesar di nos diferensianan di idioma, ku ta legado di kolonialismo ku e tendensia di dividi I tene nos separa, nos historia ta uni nos riba e mesun meta komun pa sobrepasa e rastronan di dominio dor di e paisnan metropolis . E rastronan aki di kolonialismo ta inklui e sakeamentu di nos rekursonan natutral, e sub-desaroyo di nos ekonomianan, I e destorshon deliberadamente di “nos historia”pa mantene nos na nos posishon.


Awor ku ta yegando e momento pa reklama nos luga, posishon legitimo bao di humanidat nos mester kana den pasonan di nos lidernan Karibenjo I Latino Amerikano manera Simon Bolivar, Toussiant Lóverture I tur otro lidernan ku despues a surgi. Unifikashon di nos pueblonan ta e paso mas kritiko pa logra integrashon y koperashon I ta e komponentenan indespensabel pa nos lucha pa anvansa i rekupera desaroyo real pa e peublonan di nos Amerika.


James Finies di Bonaire komo panelista a splika e situashon no-demokratiko di Bonaire desde e aneksashon illegal dor di Hulanda na 10-10-10 I di e islanan BES, I ku Hulanda ta usando e korona-krisis awor aki pa ekstorshona I forsa Korsou, Aruba I St Maarten pa entrega nan outonomia limita bek na e gobierno Hulandes, I ku durante e krisis di COVID-19 a bira mas kla kiko nifika di ta wordu kolonisa pasobra tur desishonan importante ta wordu tuma na Den Haag, Hulanda. E konferensia a disidi I a kompremete ku for di awor en adelante atenshon spesial lo wordu pone pa monitoria I sostene e luchanan pa dekolonisashon di tur paisnan, terirorionan di den region I otro partinan di mundu.    



Caribbean and Latin American Peoples Conference


As  we commemorate July 1st, 1863 abolition of slavery or emancipation day in the Dutch colonies, and almost all the Caribbean and world is in a post-colonial era, our island Bonaire and the other Dutch Caribbean islands up to today remained Dutch colonies. As the Dutch were about the last in 1863 to abolish slavery almost a century later, after other Caribbean islands , the Dutch misinformed and manipulated the international community that they finished the decolonization process and stop reporting to the UN in 1954 and continued with colonization of the Dutch Caribbean islands up to now.  Today July 1, 2020 we are making a dramatic call to the Dutch government  to abolish colonialism in the Dutch Caribbean islands. 


Foundation We Want Bonaire Back on its continuing mission to raise awareness on the un-democratic situation on our island Bonaire participated recently in the first Caribbean and Latin American Peoples Online Conference

The Caribbean Peace Movement , the Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration, the Christian Workers Union of Belize, the Jamaica Peace Council and the Global Afrikan Congress organized this first Caribbean and Latin American Peoples online conference with the support of several civil society and grassroots organizations from across the region.


This conference that was planned originally to conquer simultaneously with the yearly CARICOM heads of State conference, due to the non-travel situation in the Caribbean and the world this year conference was organized online on the COVID-19 Experience and Lessons aiming towards a regional peoples network supporting Integration, Peaceful Cooperation and Resilience against environmental and health threats.


Representatives from civil society and grassroots  organizations, ambassadors, journalists, lawyers, union leaders, economists, researchers, professors, medical scientists, professionals, human rights activists, deans and presidents of universities, psychiatrists,  from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Jamaica, Belize, St Vincent and the Grenadines, USA, Martinique, Haiti, Brazil, Barbados, Bonaire participated in this historic conference. 


Summary of the declaration to carry forward the mission in the legacy of our ancestors:   


The peoples of Latin America and Caribbean have a common history. Despite our differences in language which are legacies of colonialism that tend to divide and keep us apart, our history unites us around the common goal of overcoming the vestiges of domination by the metropoles. These vestiges of colonialism include the plundering of our natural resources, under-development of our economies, and the deliberate distortion of ‘our story’ in order to keep us in our places. 


As it becomes our time now to reclaim our rightful place among humanity we need to walk in the footsteps of our Caribbean and Latin American leaders as Simon Bolivar, Toussiant L’Ouverture and all other leaders that hereafter emerged. Unification of our people is the most critical step towards integration and cooperation and are the indispensable components of our struggle to move forward and regain real genuine peoples developments for our Americas. 


James Finies from Bonaire as panelist explained the undemocratic situation of Bonaire since the illegal annexation by Holland on October 10, 201 of the BES islands, and that Holland is using the corona-crisis now to extort, force Curacao, Aruba and St Maarten to surrender their limited autonomy back to The Hague government and that during this COVID-19 crisis it became more clear what is to be colonized as all the important decisions are made in The Hague , Holland.  The conference decided and committed that from now on special focus will be put to monitor and support the struggles for decolonization of all countries within the region and elsewhere across the globe.  


James Finies, President Foundation We Want Bonaire Back 

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