Home » SDG Youth Voices Aruba: Comparti bo voz mas leu cu frontera

SDG Youth Voices Aruba: Comparti bo voz mas leu cu frontera

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E “Metanan di Desaroyo Sostenibel” ta un lista di tarea, cu a wordo crea pa guia humanidad den e trayecto di mehoracion di nos mundo. E 17 metanan aki a wordo adapta por medio di tur miembronan di United Nations den 2015 cu e intencion pa elimina pobresa, reduci desigualdad y crea sociedadnan cu mas prosperidad y harmonia prome cu aña 2030. Bo por siña mas di e metanan via e link aki: http://tiny.cc/thegoals

Nos kier scucha con abo lo por forma parti di e transformacion global. Tin un meta cu abo ta sinti pasiona di dje? Abo por tin un solucion pa un di e 17 metanan? Comparti bo pensamentonan y haci bo stem resona afor di nos fronteranan.?

Pa participa, bo mester simplemente:
Siña tocante e Metanan di Desaroyo Sostenibel (SDGs).?
Escohe un meta di SDGs cu abo gusta. ❤️
Scirbi locual abo kier bisa tocante e meta di SDG cu bo a escohe.✏️
Prepara un espacio pa bo por graba un video, papiando di e locual bo a scirbi.?
Comparti bo video cu henter mundo (via e link di e website abou).

Tur informacion y links lo ta disponibel via e link aki: https://www.makerpedia.info/sdgtalks

E ultimo dia pa bo manda bo video ta 30 di Juni 2020.

Nos ta spera di por scucha di nos futuro creadornan di cambio!?
~Tess, Leonardo, Ashna
SDG Youth Voices Aruba

English Translation:

Share your voice beyond the Border

Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s “to-do” list to change the world for the better. These 17 goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 to end poverty, reduce inequality, and build more peaceful, prosperous societies by 2030. Learn more about the goals here: http://tiny.cc/thegoals

We want to hear how YOU will be a part of this global transformation. Is there a goal you feel incredibly PASSIONATE about? Do you have a solution for one of the seventeen goals? Let’s share your VOICE beyond the borders. ?

To participate is simple:
1. Learn about the SDGs. ?
2. Choose an SDG you ❤️.
3. Write your SDG Talk. ✏️
4. Set up a recording space. ?
5. Share with the world! (link on the website below)

All the information and links are available here: https://www.makerpedia.info/sdgtalks

The final day to submit a talk is June 30th, 2020.

We can’t wait to hear from the future WORLD CHANGERS! ?
~Tess, Leonardo, Ashna
SDG Youth Voices Aruba

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