The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2
With deep sorrow, we announce the passing away of:
Dino Martino Challenger
Sunrise: May 11, 1959
Sunset: October 10, 2019
Left to mourn are his:
Mother: ā Maria Richardson
Father: ā Daniel Challenger
His companion: Mayra Anetia
Son: Ylario Schmidt
Daughter in law: Bridgette Mcfarlene
Like a son: Randy Schmidt & Randy Peters
Grandchildren: Jaeden Schmidt
Ylario Schmidt
Ilarian Schmidt
Siblings: Fesito & Jacqueline Richardson and family
Flint Richardson and family
ā Egan Richardson
Rodney (Wowo) Richardson
Ampara Richardson & Dino Roos
Sharlon Challenger and family
Michael Wilson and family
Uncles and aunt: Rafaella (Ey) Brown and family in AUA
Alberto (Segundo) Brown and family in AUA
Alicia Alvarez-Brown and family in AUA
Camelia (Sherry) Brown and family in AUA
Oscar Janga and family
Jessy Arindell and family in CUR
Adelita Richardson and family in CUR
Edita (Flora) Brown and family in AUA
Elba -Arindell in USA
Jacky Richardson in Holland
Debby Richardson in Holland
Haycinth Richardson in Holland
Kora Arindell in USA
Niece: Ann-Louize Richardson
Cousins, rest of nieces and nephews Neighbour
She was related to: Challenger, Winklaar, Brown, Mcfarlene, Richardson, Jones, Lacle, Kelkkoom, Hassell, Berkel, Lopes, Laurens, Arindell, Jimenez Vargas, Anetia, Wilson, Jack, Smith, Williams & Randall
We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention any name or family
The funeral will take place on Wednesday October 16, 2019 at 4:00 pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home and from there to the Central Burial Ground in Sabana Basora. The body will be laid out from 2:00 pm at Ad Patres.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
their most sincere condolences to the family.