Home » Habriendo mas posibilidad pa transfer eficiente di Schiphol pa  Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix: A yega acuerdo di acceptacion pa nivel di seguridad door di Departamento di Aviacion Civil Aruba

Habriendo mas posibilidad pa transfer eficiente di Schiphol pa  Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix: A yega acuerdo di acceptacion pa nivel di seguridad door di Departamento di Aviacion Civil Aruba

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ORANJESTAD – Departamento di Aviacion Civil Aruba recientemente a aproba e Acuerdo di Acceptacion, pa asina reconose e nivel di seguridad di Amsterdam su aeropuerto Schiphol.

E reconocimento di equivalencia aki ta haci posibel cu buelonan cu ta origina na Schiphol y cu mester pasa via Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AIRB), pa no mester duplica e medidanan di seguridad ora yega Aruba, permitiendo asina pasahero- y maletanan di transito pa pasa sin problema di transito na Aeropuerto di Aruba y por sigui riba otro buelo pa otro destinacion, sin trese e aspecto di safety y seguridad den peliger. 

ICAO su Annex 17 ta permiti areglonan similar di controlnan di seguridad, cu sosten di e estado miembro y un proceso di validacion y implementacion continuo di procedura conhuntamente cu e otro estado pa sigura cu e aplicacion di controlnan di seguridad na e punto di origen ta wordo acompaña pa medidanan di proteccion contra interferencia sin autorisacion te ora e avion sali for di e punto di transfer.  

Sr. Edwin Kelly, Director di Departamento di Aviacion Civil, a indica cu parti di e proceso pa logra reconocemento di equivalencia a ensera un audit extenso di e procesonan di seguridad na Schiphol, incluyendo e revisacion di personal, trainingnan, proceduranan, ekipo, mantencion, documentacion y otro medidanan pa garantisa e sterilidad di pasahero y maleta.  

CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), operador di AIRB, Sr. Joost Meijs, a indica cu esaki ta un desaroyo hopi positivo, mirando cu estadonan y aeropuertonan ta sigui busca maneranan pa facilita biahamento mas eficiente entre pais- y aeropuertonan. E ta ansioso pa logra mas acuerdo similar cu otro aeropuerto y estado tambe, mirando cu e acuerdonan aki ta yuda mehora e experiencia di e pasahero door di aeropuerto di Aruba. 

Actualmente tin dos aerolinea cu ta biaha directamente for di Schiphol pa Aruba. KLM ta opera 7 buelo non-stop pa siman for di Schiphol pa Aruba cu ta traduci na un averahe di 7500 pasahero pa luna, di cual 3100 ta pasaheronan di transito.  

Un cantidad significante di pasahero cu ta biaha for di Schiphol ta pasaheronan di transito, conectando cu otro destinacionnan den Caribe y desde 11 di September, 2019 e pasaheronan aki por pasa e proceso di transito mas facil na Aeropuerto di Aruba. 


Opening further possibilities for efficient transfers from Schiphol Airport through Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix:

Agreement reached for acceptance of Security level by Aruba Civil Aviation Authority


ORANJESTAD – The Directorate of Civil Aviation of Aruba (DCA) recently approved a Letter of Acceptance, for recognition of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport’s level of security.

This recognition of equivalence allows flights originating from Schiphol Airport into Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix, to no longer have to duplicate security measures upon arrival in Aruba and to allow transiting passengers and luggage to seamlessly transit at Aruba Airport onto flights to other destinations, without jeopardizing safety and security.

ICAO’s Annex 17 allows such arrangements in respect of certain security controls, with support of the Member State and by a validation process and continuously implementing procedures with the other State to ensure that the application of security controls at the point of origin is accompanied by subsequent protection measures against unauthorized interference up until the aircraft departs from the transfer point. 

Mr. Edwin Kelly, Director of DCA, indicated that part of the process to achieve recognition of equivalence entailed a thorough audit of the security processes of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, including review of staffing, training, procedures, equipment, maintenance, documentation and other measures to guarantee passenger and luggage sterility. 

CEO of Aruba Airport Authority NV (AAA), operator of Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix, Mr. Joost Meijs, indicated that this is a very positive development as States and Airports continue to seek ways to better facilitate more efficient travel between countries and Airports. 

He stated to look forward to achieving similar types of Agreements with other Airports and States as well, as these agreements ultimately benefit the passengers’ travel experience through Aruba’s Airport. 

Two Airlines are currently flying directly from Schiphol Airport to Aruba. KLM currently operates a total of 7 weekly nonstop services from Schiphol to Aruba which translates to a monthly average of 7,500 passengers, of which some 3,100 are transit passengers. 

A significant number of passengers traveling from Schiphol are transit passengers, connecting to other Caribbean destinations and as of September 11, 2019 these passengers will be able to transit seamlessly at Aruba Airport. 


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