Home » Pa un “High Speed Baggage Transportation and Sortation System” nobo: Aeropuerto di Aruba a firma contract di $33 miyon cu BEUMER Group

Pa un “High Speed Baggage Transportation and Sortation System” nobo: Aeropuerto di Aruba a firma contract di $33 miyon cu BEUMER Group

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ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), e compania cu ta opera y maneha Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (Aeropuerto di Aruba) a firma un acuerdo cu BEUMER Group pa e diseño y instalacion di un “high speed baggage transportation and sortation system” nobo como parti di Aeropuerto su proyecto di expansion y modernisacion Gateway 2030. A yega na e contract despues di e proceso di tender cu a wordo teni, unda cu Aeropuerto a evalua e opcionnan pa un solucion general pa e procesamento di maleta y teniendo na cuenta no solamente e aspecto financiero, pero tambe e mantencion continuo cu mester ta parti di dje una bes cu e sistema ta funcionando.  

E contract cu BEUMER group ta inclui e instalacion di un “dual-loop CRISBAG® – High Speed Baggage Transportation and Sortation System”, cu integracion den un sistema di screening EDS cu ta cumpli cu e rekisitonan di TSA y un “Baggage Image Weight Identification System” (BIWIS) pa yuda den e proceso di U.S. preclearance. E acuerdo ta inclui tambe un periodo di mantencion continuo y partinan di spare despues cu e sistema wordo poni den funcion.

E sistema nobo di baggage handling (BHS) lo elimina e rekisito pa piki maleta cu ya a check-in caba pa bolbe pasa e di dos proceso di screening cu mester wordo haci actualmente den e operacion di U.S. CBP Pre-Clearance. Adicionalmente, e sistema nobo lo permiti pa pasaheronan cu ta biaha pa Merca y esnan cu ta biaha pa otro destinacion lo por haci uso di e mesun facilidad di check-in.

E diseño final di BEUMER su “tote-based CRISBAG® system” lo wordo haci den colaboracion cu Aeropuerto su diseñador di e terminal principal, NACO; den e esfuerso pa sigura cu e sistema di BHS y e edificio unda ta procesa maleta cuadra bon cu otro, y cu e sistema nobo wordo diseña y construi di un forma eficiente. E instalacion lo cuminsa den di tercer kwartaal di 2020 y e lo keda finalisa den e segundo kwartaal di 2021, den coordinacion cu e apertura di e fase di construccion 1 di e proyecto Gateway 2030.

“Nos ta hopi satisfecho di por a crusa e milestone importante aki” asina CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. James Fazio a bisa. “E sistema nobo di baggage handling ta e parti central di aeropuerto su proyecto di expansion y lo permiti pa e modernisacion di varios di nos procesonan di pasahero y un operacion mas eficiente di U.S. Customs pre-clearance, un sistema di screening di maleta mehora, y un uso mas eficiente di e edificio pa check-in. Nos ta hopi contento di haci e proyecto pa e sistema importante aki hunto cu BEUMER Group y nos ta ansioso pa traha pa transforma nos aeropuerto den e añanan nos dilanti.”

BEUMER Group a persigui e proyecto di Aeropuerto di Aruba como un oportunidad pa demostra como e prome den e industria pa mustra e sistema integra di ICS (CRISBAG) hunto cu e sistema di “bag storage” (CRISSTORE) pa maneha e demandanan durante e orarionan peak di e aeropuerto. Barry Lagerstedt, Senior Vice President a bisa: “Nos ta hopi contento di a wordo selecta como partner pa e proyecto importante aki. E aplicashon di e US Customs Pre-Clearance como tambe e echo cu mester tene cuenta cu e protocol di baggage screening segun reglanan di TSA ta un aplicashon perfecto den nos CRISBAG “baggage handling and storage solution” integra y ta brinda e confiansa y seguridad di mas halto di tur e sistemanan existente. Nos ekipo a traha hopi di serca cu e ekipo di Aeropuerto di Aruba pa verifica e capabilidadnan, beneficionan operacional y futuro capabilidadnan. Nos ta orguyoso pa diseña un sistema di tal escala y “tote-based” y nos ta spera di por forma un relacion di largo duracion cu Aeropuerto di Aruba.”

E invitacionnan inicial relata cu e tender pa e Contratista principal pa e proyecto Gateway 2030 a sali dia 12 di November 2018 y Aruba Airport Authority N.V. lo organisa un “Construction Fair” na Aruba dia 29 di November 2018 pa presenta e proyecto y crea un forum pa companianan di construccion internacional pa topa y forma partnerships cu sub-contratistanan local, business y tax consultants, y otro agentenan oficial relevante di parti di e diferente ministerionan gubernamental.


For a new High Speed Baggage Transportation and Sortation System

Aruba Airport signs $33 million contract with BEUMER Group


ORANJESTAD – Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), the company that operates and manages Queen Beatrix International Airport (Aruba Airport) has signed a contract agreement with BEUMER Group for the design and installation of a new high speed baggage transportation and sortation system as part of the airport’s Gateway 2030 expansion and modernization program. The contract award was part of a tender process whereby the airport assessed an overall baggage handling solution which not only considered the capital costs for the installation, but carefully evaluated the on-going maintenance and operational costs once the system is commissioned.

The contract with BEUMER group includes the installation of a dual-loop CRISBAG® – High Speed Baggage Transportation and Sortation System, with integration to a full TSA compliant EDS screening system, and a Baggage Image Weight Identification System (BIWIS) to streamline the airport’s U.S. preclearance process. The agreement also includes a period of on-going maintenance and spare parts after the system is put into service.

The new baggage handling system (BHS) will eliminate the requirement to reclaim checked luggage and undergo the second passenger screening process which is currently in place for the U.S. CBP Pre-Clearance operation. Additionally, the new system will also allow for U.S and non-U.S. bound flights to operate from a common-use check-in facility.

The final design of BEUMER’s tote-based CRISBAG® system will be carried out in collaboration with airport’s main terminal designer, NACO;  in an effort to ensure that the BHS system, and the baggage handling building are properly matched, and that the new system is designed and built with the optimal efficiency. The installation will begin in Q3 of 2020, and completion is expected in the Q2 of 2021, in coordination with the opening of the Gateway 2030 project construction phase 1.

“We are very pleased to have crossed this important milestone” said Aruba Airport Authority N.V. CEO James Fazio. “The new baggage handling system is the centerpiece of the airport’s redevelopment project, and will allow for the modernization and streamlining of many of our passenger processes, most notably, a significantly more efficient U.S. Customs pre-clearance operation, improved baggage screening, and a more efficient use of the airport check-in hall capacity. We are very pleased to be partnering with BEUMER Group on this important system, and look forward to working on transforming our airport in the upcoming years”

The BEUMER Group pursued the Aruba Airport project as a “first in industry” opportunity to showcase the integrated ICS system (CRISBAG) and bag storage system (CRISSTORE) to handle the peak flight demands of the airport. Barry Lagerstedt, Senior Vice President stated “We are very happy to be selected as a partner for this important project. The application of US Customs Pre-Clearance as well as the interface with TSA compliant protocol baggage screening is a perfect application to our integrated CRISBAG baggage handling and storage solution and provides the highest reliability and security of any system available. Our team has worked very close with the Aruba Airport program team to verify system capabilities, operational benefits and future capabilities. We are proud to design a scalable and redundant tote-based system and we look forward to a successful long-term relationship with Aruba Airport.”

The initial invitations relating to the tender for the Main Building Contractor for the Gateway 2030 Project have been sent out on November 12th, 2018 and the Aruba Airport Authority will be holding a Construction Fair in Aruba on November 29th, 2018 to present the project and create a forum for international construction companies to meet and initiate partnerships with local sub-contractors, business and tax consultants, and officials from the relevant government ministries.


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